Now It’s Damage Time!

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The World Economic Forum, Biden administration, Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Gates, the RINOs and the insane Democrats and their minions know that they don’t have a chance in the midterm elections. And, they also know that there probably won’t be another Democratic president for decades. So, they are going to inflict as much pain on people as possible between now and November. Now it’s damage time!

Here and Now

Let’s look at the here and now.

  • No matter what they say, gasoline prices are not coming down. In fact, they are going to continue to increase. That’s why a lot of gas stations are adding a “ten” field on their sign. That means over ten dollars a gallon.
  • Babies are being hospitalized because of a baby formula shortage. They are starving the babies. But, we’re next. The world wheat stockpiles are diminishing to dangerous levels. So, the wheat is in peril and the prices keep going up. You be the judge.
  • Half of America are being labeled domestic terrorists. Of course, these are mostly Republicans. The Department of Justice and the FBI will have carte blanche to make people’s lives a living hell. They can threaten and mentally torture people. That is called a police state.

Coming Soon

Let’s look at what’s coming soon.

  • The power grid people are warning that their will be blackouts this summer. A warning means it will happen. It will be the same as a power outage. We won’t be able to run the air conditioner and our refrigerated food will spoil (there’s that food again).
  • Here it comes! The next medical emergency is sneaking around the globe. This time it will be monkeypox. Thank goodness Biden already bought vaccines for the terrified people. I’m sure he’ll be chasing me around to get me vaccinated. At my age, I’m slow. But, he’s slower.
  • Taxes are too high already. But, higher taxes are coming soon. Of course, we’ll have to foot the bill for the $40 billion payout to Ukraine, even though we were not represented in the decision. Remember that thing called “taxation without representation.” It has returned.


The unknown can be scary

And finally, there is the unknown. I’m sure they are cooking up more damage. When I was a boy, my friends and I had a saying when we played sports. That saying was “If you can’t win, then fight.” It sounds stupid now, but that is what these crazy people are doing.

Their goal is to inflict as much damage in the next five months while they have a chance. So, we better all put on our seatbelts because it’s going to be a rocky ride. We need to keep praying and persevere. If we don’t flinch and keep smiling, they will get frustrated. But, we can’t be patsies. Our voices need to be heard and we must stand up to these bullies and disarm them.

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