My Prayer Intentions

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I belong to a prayer group that meets once a month to say a rosary. Before we begin the rosary, we go around the room and each person shares their prayer intentions. Here are my prayer intentions for our country.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden

I pray that Joe Biden will stop allowing illegals into our country, and close the border so we can accept legal immigrants the right way. And that his heart will be turned to his true Catholic faith and he will stop the abortion of babies. That he will stop listening to radicals leading him down a path of evil. And that he will stop dividing our country by race. Finally, that he will support our police rather than attack them.

Kamala Harris

I pray that Kamala Harris will stop laughing and take matters more seriously. And that she will step to the plate and resolve the border crisis as she has been assigned. That God will turn her heart to protect Americans and their freedoms. And that she will be a nicer person who loves the American people.

Nancy Pelosi

I pray that Nancy Pelosi will put our country first and stop pushing through crazy legislation that will hurt our country. And that she will truly practice her faith and return God into her life to make decisions that please Him. That she will care about every American and do things to help all of them. And that she will take her position as Speaker of the House seriously and use it to better the country. And finally, that she will stop using race to divide our country and take advantage of people.

President Trump

President Trump

I pray that President Trump is getting some much needed rest. And, a prayer of thanks for putting America first and caring so deeply about the American people. Another prayer of thanks for working so hard as President and doing it because you love us and not even taking a salary. I pray that he will carefully make decisions about running for President again and do what God wants.

Dr. Fauci

I pray that God gives Dr. Fauci some humility. And that he will tell us the truth. That he will have compassion and respect for every American and their freedom to choose. And that he will have the courage to do what is in the best interest of our country as God would wish. God, please give this man the sight to know that the worst of this pandemic is behind us and that it’s time to get the country back to normal.

Maxine Waters

I pray that Maxine Waters turns to you God because she is lost. And that she will listen to you, and only you, before she speaks. Forgive her for her transgressions and lead her to a more peaceful and respectful demeanor. Please gift her with humility so that she can see her evil doings. She is one of your children that’s in dire need of your intervention.

Pope Francis

Pope Francis is damaging the Catholic church

I pray that Pope Francis can be brought back into your flock God. Please open his eyes to the damage he is doing to your holy church. Grant him intelligence and courage to end his relationships that may damage our country and the world. Like St. Paul, he is in need of a conversion. Allow that to happen so the church is saved. I pray in earnest that our Pope returns to the job of shepherding his flock and is filled with your grace.

Our Police

Dear God, please stand by our police officers as they put themselves in danger almost every day. Give them the courage and strength to make smart decisions in seconds. Let them know that they are respected and appreciated. And, I pray for the people who are antagonizing our police officers. Let them see the darkness in their souls, and fill their hearts with love.

Liz Cheney

Dear God, please turn Liz’s anger and bitterness to love and humility. Bless her with the grace to understand why conservative people have trouble liking her right now. Guide her to know what truth is, and that it isn’t always what she thinks it is. And help her to work with others instead of against others. Finally, soften her heart and help her to let go of her hatred for President Trump.

Mitt Romney

Dear God, give Mitt the type of humility your son had. Help him to let go of his hatred of President Trump. Release his envy of President Trump’s presidential success. Help him to endear himself to people better. Teach him the ways of your son. Make sure that his heart is turned genuinely to the benefit of the people that he represents. And, clear his thoughts of anger and give him the peace he needs to be a better representative.

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