My Favorite Conservative Media

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There is a lot of conservative media available. Pretty much every day, I read some news at lunch and watch some videos at night. Here are my favorite conservative media outlets.

Bongino Report

The Bongino Report is a clean and pointed news feed. They always seem to have the most current news. I love the way they categorize their articles. It is easy to navigate and doesn’t require a lot of time to read. The only drawback is that they seem to shut down after the workday and you don’t get new articles until the following morning. So, some night news is missed.

Liberty Daily

The Liberty Daily reminds me of the Drudge Report before it went off the rails. It is truly a news feed and they add links to articles and videos 24/7. As an aggregator of news, you can find a lot of articles from a lot of sources. They post a lot of videos, so their Rumble channel is fun to watch. The only drawback is that they bury their high profile articles further down the page. They should be at the top.

Gateway Pundit

The Gateway Pundit is one of the best conservative news websites

The Gateway Pundit is the website that was blocked in Congress. Their articles are cutting edge and hard hitting. They aren’t afraid to tackle any issue. The Pundit is one of the only remaining news outlets that still care about the January 6th political prisoners. And, they did great reporting during the coronavirus and the aftermath of the vaccine. The only drawback is that they have too many ads on their smart phone site and it gets frustrating.


RedState is a very focused conservative news site. The presentation is really good, and you can find things very easily. I find that their articles are well-written and very relevant. It is one of my favorites. The only drawback is that some of the most interesting articles require you to join the site. Since I won’t do that, I miss some articles that I would like to read.


Breitbart has an interesting take on conservative news. I always seem to find something on Breitbart that I don’t see anywhere else. They have good leading articles and I like the “On Our Radar” section which highlights “soon to be” news items. They also have a “Most Popular” feed so you can get to articles quicker. The only drawback is that once you get past the leading sections, it becomes a hodgepodge.

Babylon Bee

If you love to laugh, you have to see the Babylon Bee. It contains satire and humor pieces that are unparalleled. These are some of the smartest people on earth. They poke fun at everything. It doesn’t matter if it’s liberal or conservative. All you need to do is read the headlines and you’ll be chuckling. This site allows you to laugh at things that you otherwise want to cry about.

Real America’s Voice

If for no other reason, I watch Real America’s Voice to see The War Room with Steve Bannon. There is certainly plenty more to watch, but Bannon is a home run. He isn’t afraid to say anything and he has great guests. When I want to watch total MAGA, I tune into this channel.

One America News Network (OANN)

Turn off Fox News and Newsmax. OANN is a much better option. You can get it on a smart TV too. The personalities may be less “perfect” than what you get on mainstream media channels, but they are humble and real. The Biden henchmen got three cable TV providers to drop OANN including Comcast, Charter and Verizon Fios. That should tell you they’re doing something right.

Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN)

If you have your fill of OANN, then RSBN is another option. Pretty much the same statements I made about OANN apply. And, this station isn’t afraid to cover Trump rallies. They don’t usually get big name guests, but that means they’re doing something right. When you don’t interview Lindsey Graham, you are on the “right side.”


I hope you take my advice and check out some of these media outlets. There are so many, but these are my favorites. I find that it helps me to whittle down all the sites and stay focused on these “tried and true” sites. Please let me know what you think in the comments.

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