Milley and Pelosi Must Go

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Enough is enough. Really. I’m tired of the January 6th theater. And, I’m tired of these elite government officials doing whatever they want with no consequences. Milley and Pelosi must go. They are both guilty of treason. And, our Constitution says that treason is punishable by death. This notion that President Trump was crazy is ridiculous. The only person who is crazy is Nancy Pelosi, and she dragged down Milley with her.


General Dwight Eisenhower led America to victory in World War II

What if the Speaker of the House called General Eisenhower behind President Roosevelt’s back to tell him that Roosevelt was unstable, and asked him to call Heinrich Himmler before the storming of Normandy Beach and tell him he would warn him before they landed? First of all, we likely would have lost World War II and become a Marxist country long before today. Second, Eisenhower would have been brought up on treason charges among other charges, and he would have been relieved of his duty and put into jail. And, the Speaker of the House would have been removed immediately.

American Revolution

What if Nathaniel Greene went behind George Washington’s back and called Lord Cornwallis to tell him when Washington would cross the Delaware river? First, we likely would have lost the revolutionary war. Second, Washington would have immediately relieved Greene of his duty and then Greene likely would have been hung for treason.

Civil War

General Ulysses Grant led the Union to victory in the Civil War

What if the Speaker of the House called one of General Grant’s military leaders behind his back to tell him that Grant was unfit for duty and that he should alert General Robert E. Lee when an attack is forthcoming? It likely would have had an impact on the outcome of the war, and might even have resulted in the death of General Grant. When the traitor was identified, he would surely have been relieved of his duty and brought up on charges immediately. He potentially would have been hung. And, the Speaker of the House would have been removed.

Vietnam War

What if the Speaker of the House called General William Westmoreland behind President Lyndon Johnson’s back during the Vietnam War to tell him that President Johnson was unstable and that he should contact his North Vietnamese counterpart to let them know we have their backs? Many American soldiers would have been killed. General Westmoreland would have been fired, and the Speaker of the House would have been fired.


What if a manager called the CFO and told him that the CEO was unstable and that he should call a large customer to let them know that orders should be fulfilled by a competitor until the CEO was removed? By the way, I actually encountered this in my career. The manager and her husband (CFO) were discharged immediately. And, I mean immediately.

At Home

What if your parents are having marital troubles, so you call your mother behind your father’s back and tell her you’ll alert her if he tries to do anything? The outcome is likely to be a more contentious marital spat, and I highly doubt the child will have a good relationship with the father going forward.


My conclusion is very simple. These actions are inappropriate and dangerous. And, they must always be met with swift punishment. In the absence of punishment, we are setting a very bad precedent that staging a coup is acceptable. This is very cut and dried. Pelosi and Milley circumvented the chain of command to stage a coup against our sitting President who is the commander in chief. And, they provided aid and intelligence to an adversary. I’m shocked they are still on the job today. But, that speaks volumes about our government and my wasted tax dollars continuing to pay their salaries after they do this to me and our country.

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