Mike Johnson Is A Modern Day Judas

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Mike Johnson is a modern day Judas

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has betrayed the American people. He has not delivered on any of his promises and his Bible charade is sickening. Mike Johnson is a modern day Judas. And even more. He might be worse than Kevin McCarthy, but it wouldn’t be by much. I feel like I got trampled this weekend. He basically punched me in the face, and then his tasteless Democrat friends waved Ukrainian flags in my face while in the House Chamber. By the way Mike, those flag wavers are your new friends. I hope you enjoy them.

It’s one thing to pass bad legislation that most voters don’t support. It’s completely shameful when you allow your Democrat friends to rub it in our faces.


Mike Johnson claims to be a Christian and reader of the Bible. I suggest that he turn to the pages about the disciple Judas who betrayed Jesus and turned him over to the Romans. Johnson just pulled the same stunt. He kissed all of us and turned us over to the Democrats. And, they spat on us and ridiculed us. Johnson will have to live with that until his last breath on this earth.

Robert the Bruce

If you saw the movie Braveheart, then you’ll remember a scene where William Wallace was trying to get away after a hard fought battle. A knight on a horse approaches him and starts speeding toward him. Wallace manages to trip the horse and the knight falls to the ground. A fight ensues between the two and Wallace is triumphant. When Wallace removes the knight’s helmet, it is his alleged friend Robert the Bruce. You see, the Scottish Bruce was fighting for the English.

Mike Johnson is no different than Robert the Bruce. He almost always fights on the side of the Democrats. And, he doesn’t do a thing for any of us. Louisiana should recall this guy. And, they should be ashamed.

What’s Next?

I can tell you what will happen next with certainty. Mike Johnson will kiss Biden’s ring. Now that he has delivered everything Biden wants, he will join the inner circle of morons and thieves.


This behavior happens all to often in the Republican party. It has become so tiring to me that I just always expect it now. Two years of a House majority and two years of nothing. None of it adds up, but I have a theory for an upcoming post.

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