Merrick Garland Deserves No Respect

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It’s interesting. I didn’t know a lot about Merrick Garland when Obama nominated him to the Supreme Court and Biden subsequently nominated him to be Attorney General. But, I figured he was a liberal and he looked like a person with no confidence. I always like to give people a chance, and I did that with Garland. He ruined that chance in about two days. Merrick Garland deserves no respect. He has done nothing to help me in any way. In fact, he has done everything to hurt me.

The Weasel

Garland is a weasel. He looks like a weasel, but he acts like a weasel even more. According to Merriam-Webster, a weasel is a sneaky, untrustworthy, or insincere person. Yes. That sounds right.

If you saw his press conference after the raid on President Trump, you got to see the definition above in real time. He looked like he didn’t want to be there. And, he looked hesitant and unconfident. Those are all signs of a person who is lying and doesn’t really believe what he is saying. His body posture also indicated a serious lack of confidence.

My problem is that he is in a position of great power making a ton of money off my tax dollars. I expect a confident and well-spoken Attorney General. When you know you did something wrong, you should be able to own it and fix it. But, he has no conscience. He’s being led around by the nose and doesn’t really have any power. I can’t think of anything worse than not being your own person.


I’ll call this section “Decisions”, but we already know that Garland doesn’t make his own decisions. So, let’s examine some of the things that Garland was told to do.

The FBI just got rid of the person that influenced the outcome of the 2020 election by burying the Hunter Biden story. Garland was told to keep all DOJ and FBI employees away from partisan events. Instead of owning the issue and dealing with it, he made everybody hide. That is a person who knows his departments are dirty and must be kept hidden.

When the Supreme Court justices were being attacked and potentially assassinated, Garland was told to do nothing. Our Attorney General, who is supposed to uphold the law of the land, did nothing. More importantly, he didn’t explain to the American people why he was doing nothing. When you don’t have the confidence to face the people and explain, you’re doing something you shouldn’t be doing. And, you know it.

And More

Garland, the weasel, isn’t allowed to care about the January 6th political prisoners and how they are being treated. You would think the Attorney General of the United States would know the law. Especially, that you cannot hold prisoners without bail. And, a person is innocent until proven guilty. A sixth-grader knows these things. I’m not sure if he is being told what to do or if he is just this inept. Does this man have any compassion? How can a human being treat other human beings this way? It speaks volumes about his lack of character and backbone.

Crime is running rampant in American cities. But, the weasel has said and done nothing. I’m pretty certain this is in your wheelhouse, Garland. If you had a backbone, you would do something about it. But, you don’t have a backbone. You sure don’t want to make Mr. Soros angry. Just imagine what a hero you could be if you just did your job.


I’m not sure what to even say. I got angry as I wrote this. What a complete waste Garland is. And, what potential to rise above the fray and do a good job. Either Garland is completely inept or the weasel is letting others turn him into the worst Attorney General of all time. You likely get one shot at this job. I can’t believe your choice is to say nothing, do nothing and allow others to destroy your reputation. I know I would hate that. It’s not too late weasel. Get a backbone and do what’s right.

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