Mastriano Will Beat Shapiro

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Doug Mastriano will be the next governor of Pennsylvania

The governor race in Pennsylvania features Doug Mastriano and Josh Shapiro. Mastriano will beat Shapiro. I’m not going to cite a bunch of hyperbole about good versus evil and such. I’m going to cite the reasons backing my statement.

If you want to help Doug Mastriano win, please click here.

Old Versus New

Mastriano represents new ideas, while Shapiro represents an extension of the failed Wolf ideas. Pennsylvania got screwed less than 24 hours after Biden stole the election. And, Wolf sat by as thousands of people lost their jobs in his state. Shapiro plays by that same playbook, so he would do the exact same thing.

Mastriano’s platform puts Pennsylvanians first. He genuinely cares about our state and the people that live here. He will represent everybody regardless of their politics. Shapiro cares about himself and Democrats only. He will not even recognize non-Democrats.

Governor Versus President

Mastriano wants to be a great governor, while Shapiro sees this as a stepping stone to the presidency. So, who do you want making decisions for you? A man who wants to be a governor or a man who wants to be president?

Mastriano won’t be owned by donors and special interest groups. Shapiro will be completely beholden to the Democratic party, and will be expected to do whatever they tell him. So, if the Democratic party tells Shapiro to ban gas vehicles in the state, that’s exactly what he’ll do without question. Is that what you want?

Genuine Versus Fake

If you have ever seen or heard Mastriano speak, his genuine nature smacks you in the face. He comes across as down to earth and humble. To be honest, I would have no problem inviting him to our Thanksgiving dinner. He represents a breath of fresh air from the idiots in office now.

When I have seen Shapiro speak, I want to go home and lay in my shower to get the stench off. There is nothing genuine about him. He is so arrogant and dishonest. Nobody better believe a word he says. He won’t help us. He’ll hurt us. And he’ll enjoy every minute of it.

Life Versus Death

When I just typed this section title, I realized something. This race is a matter of life and death. But, that’s not what I meant.

Mastriano stands for life, including helpless babies in the womb. Shapiro stands for death, including helpless babies in the womb. Mastriano will protect the unborn while Shapiro will open the floodgates of baby killing. Shapiro will make baby killing so radical that nobody will recognize it.

I don’t care where you stand on abortion. You shouldn’t want our state to become an abortion factory. We should want to be proud of our state. Not ashamed of participating in genocide.

What You See

What you see is what you get with Mastriano and Shapiro. It’s fitting that with Shapiro, what you don’t see is what should scare you even more. Mastriano is likeable in every way. While Shapiro is not likeable at all. I believe Pennsylvanians will go for a fresh start instead of a continuance of the Wolf administration. And, I think people will catch on to Shapiro and see him for what he truly is.


Pennsylvania’s next governor will be decided in November. And, I believe Pennsylvania will choose Doug Mastriano overwhelmingly. The state needs a “Trump-like” leader to straighten things out and put the people first. I see some Shapiro signs in yards already. That proves to me that there are some nuts out there who want a governor that doesn’t care about them. Regardless, Mastriano will win.

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