Mammoth October Surprise Is Coming

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A mammoth October surprise is coming. This is going to be the October surprise of October surprises. The problem is that it won’t really be a surprise. The Democrats are going to use the January 6th Committee to try and bring down President Trump. They are busy sending subpoenas and raiding the homes of Republicans. If you can’t win an election based on your merits, you have to resort to the ultimate smear campaign. I wonder if the country will buy it.


Mike Lindell is a true American patriot because he cares about all of us

The FBI jackboots are like mindless robots. They do whatever they are told without questioning anything or deciding that what they are being asked to do is illegal. So sad. But, that’s exactly what this Department of Justice expects.

The FBI jackboots are making their rounds intimidating people who have Trump signs in their yards accusing them of being at January 6th when they weren’t. They confiscated Mike Lindell’s phone. And, they are going after as many high profile conservatives as they can. They probably get a bonus when they go after a conservative who is running for office in the midterms.


The reason the FBI jackboots are out of control is pretty simple. The January 6th Committee is trying to find ANYTHING at this point. If they can’t, I’m certain they will manufacture things. The truth is that the January 6th Committee has been a waste of time and money. It’s now going on two years since January 6, 2021, and they haven’t presented one shred of evidence or one believable witness. I wonder why they waited until two months before the midterms (after almost two years) to all of a sudden raid people and intimidate people.

Coming Soon

I guarantee the January 6th Committee will dominate October to lie further and try to fool voters. They are going to present bogus evidence and paint conservatives as radicals. After Biden’s satanic speech, the January 6th Committee will try to carry out Biden’s threat to bring down the MAGA movement. This is going to be an October surprise that runs through the entire month of October. And, it will all be smoke and mirrors.


I predict this strategy will backfire on the Democrats. They desperately want to use January 6th to smear their opponents. But, recent polls show that people are concerned about things like inflation and gas prices over January 6th. In fact, January 6th comes in around eighth. It was two years ago. It’s over. Just like the 2020 summer riots are over. People have moved on.

Not only will their strategy be utterly transparent because of the timing, but it will look vengeful. Everybody knows that people root for underdogs, and they will make conservatives the underdogs heading into the election. Some people will even vote against them to get revenge on them for their bully actions.


The weakness of a bully is that she will go too far. A bully doesn’t know when to stop. And, a bully gets sloppy when she thinks she can do whatever she wants. Conservatives will be able to give great thanks to the Democrats for delivering the red wave that was originally predicted a while ago. I predict the only voters who vote Democrat are the misguided, misinformed and radical liberals. I believe the country is fed up with the Democrats. And, I think that will be their November surprise.

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