Let’s Make A Deal Biden

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You so desperately want me to get vaccinated President Biden. So, let’s make a deal Biden. If you do any one of the following suggestions, I’ll sit my butt down on the chair and expose that arm. Then, you’ll have one more notch in your belt. Let’s see what it’s really worth to you.

Immediate Resignations

Joe Biden

If you (Biden), Kamala and Pelosi resign immediately in disgrace, I’ll get in the jab line. And, just to sweeten the pot, you have to admit publicly that you are solely responsible for the Afghanistan situation. And, Kamala must admit publicly that she would never be where she is if she didn’t sleep with the married Willie Brown. Nancy must admit publicly that she is solely responsible for January 6th.

If you do this, then I’ll get your jab the very next day.

Stop Abortion

If you (Biden) stop all abortions immediately, then I’ll submit to the jab. If I’m subject to an adverse reaction or even killed, it will be worth it to save so many lives. By the way, you can’t agree to this and then reinstitute abortion after I get the vaccine. I won’t get the vaccine until at least one year after this has been enacted.

You also need to admit that you have been complicit in the murder of millions of American children. And, you must be genuinely contrite about your sins before God and country.


election fraud

If you (Biden) and the Democratic party admit in public that you cheated across the board in the 2020 election, then I’ll get the jab publicly for you. Across the board means down ballot races in addition to the presidential race. You need to tell the nation how you cheated and you need to apologize for harming our country in the process.

You must insist that President Trump be reinstated since you cheated to beat him. And, you need to insist on election audits throughout the country so that down ballot race winners are corrected as needed.


This is not easy for me. I really don’t want to get the vaccine. But, I’m offering up three simple scenarios to President Biden and his handlers so they can get one more notch in their belt. With everything they are doing to get people vaccinated, I’m making it easy on them to get me. Their vaccine marketing strategy is a total failure, so I decided to lend a hand.

I’m actually guessing that others might join me in being vaccinated if one of these three options is agreed upon. So, they might get more than one jab out of this. If it’s so important to get everyone vaccinated, you must be willing to give a little to get a little. The choice is yours.

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