Lenten Sacrifice Suggestions

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It’s the season of lent and many people make a Lenten sacrifice like giving something up for the duration of the season. Lent lasts for 40 days, so here are 40 suggestions of things that I think should be given up.

Kamala Harris laughs when she can't answer a question


1. Joe Biden – Aborting millions of babies and using our tax dollars for it.

2. Kamala Harris – That disingenuous, cackling nervous laugh.

3. John Kerry – All of your non-green assets. That includes your private jet.

4. Dr. Fauci – Flip flopping almost every day about the Covid pandemic.

Jen Psaki Circles Back on any question she can't answer

5. Jen Psaki – Circling back. You can’t respond to every question by saying you’ll “circle back” and then you never “circle back.” I’ll “circle back” on this one later.

6. President Trump – Trusting people. Case in point. One Bill Barr.


7. Chuck Schumer – Insisting that President Trump incited an erection (oops – insurrection)

8. Mitch McConnell – acting like a 10 year old after hitting first then getting hit back and vowing never to speak to someone again.

9. Nancy Pelosi – Making our capitol look like a third world country.

Liz Cheney is an embarrassment to the Republican party

10. Liz Cheney – Not supporting your constituents in Wyoming.

11. Adam Kinzinger – Disappointing your own family with your stupid positions and decisions that are totally counter to the Republican party.

12. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – Playing the dishonest emotion card every chance you can.

13. Pat Toomey – Being an arrogant representative who turns his back on his constituents constantly.

14. Mitt Romney – Being a Republican. Please go be a Democrat already.

15. Adam Schiff – The Russia Collusion hoax. With all due respect, this ended about a year ago. Move on!

Supreme Court

16. Brett Kavanaugh – Being scared. It was definitely a nasty, ugly confirmation. But, it was a long time ago and you had total support from President Trump. I think it’s time to fairly side with President Trump on issues now. Unless, you’re another liberal judge in conservative clothing like John Roberts. Or unless John Roberts is telling you what to do.

17. Amy Coney Barrett – Acting like a newbie justice. President Trump nominated you because you are so well qualified. But, for whatever reason, you are staying in the background. Maybe John Roberts is telling you what to do. It’s time to start doing what you were nominated to do. You’ve been a major disappointment so far.

18. John Roberts – Being a liberal. I can’t remember the last time you sided with conservatives on a meaningful case. The Democrats don’t need to stack the court because already they have you.

19. Clarence Thomas – Trying to be reasonable and just on a Supreme Court of fools (except Judge Alito and Judge Gorsuch). You get it!

Deep State

20. FBI – Being the biggest disgrace of a government agency as there ever has been. Just when I think you hit a new low, you go lower. Investigate Hunter Biden already!


21. Andrew Cuomo – Lying about the nursing home Covid deaths in New York.

Gretchen Whitmer is a dictator witch

22. Gretchen Whitmer – Being the worst governor in America. Sorry Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsom. You are too!

23. Gavin Newsom – Eating at the fanciest restaurant in California while the residents of California are confined to their homes. Recall anyone?

24. Tom Wolf – Telling lies about the Nursing Home scandal in Pennsylvania.

25. Kristi Noem – Nothing. You’re a rock star!

26. Ron DeSantis – Nothing. You’re a rock star too!


27. Nasty Hollywood Celebrities – Having no respect for a dead man. As John the Baptist famously said – repent!

Bette Midler is a washed up actress and singer

28. Bette Midler – Speaking. Every time you open your mouth, diarrhea comes out. And by the way, you are completely irrelevant anymore.

29. Robert DeNiro – Being a “potty” mouth. You used to be a good actor, when you were an actor. Now, you’re past your prime, which is probably why you need to go on these profanity-laced tirades to get attention. I’m getting the soap and I’ll fix your language issue.


30. NBA – The remainder of your season. Nobody likes you. Nobody cares. Nobody watches. Except for your beloved China.

31. NFL – Super Bowl halftime shows. I can’t remember the last watchable one.


32. Fox News – Isolating your audience in the name of God knows what!

Don Lemon of CNN is an embarrassment to journalism

33. CNN – Being real journalists instead of liberal media hacks. It’s not going to matter anyways. You’ve hit rock bottom.

34. Mark Zuckerberg – Pretending that you know anything about anything. Every time you open your mouth, it’s either a lie or something that makes no sense whatsoever.

35. Twitter – Censoring conservative Americans while continuing to allow an Iranian tyrant to spew American hate on your platform. To be quite honest Jack, I wasn’t impressed with you at all when you testified before Congress. It’s amazing you are where you are.


36. Nikki Haley – Running for President. Even though your run is already over.

37. Chris Christie – Be a total back stabber.

38. Bill de Blasio – Being the mayor of New York City. The city continues to implode on your watch.

39. January 6th Idiots – Your pride, your citizenship, your freedom, your friends, your money, and your life. You are the dumbest people on planet Earth.

40. Bill Gates – Telling us we need to eat synthetic beef. What do you know anyways? You’re software was abominable.


So, there you have it. I can tell you what I won’t be giving up. Posting to my blog.

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