Learn to Heal Yourself

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I wrote a post a while back about mainstream medicine and it’s affect on hospital care. But, I now have first-hand expertise on the quality of care in our hospitals. You better learn to heal yourself, because our hospitals are no longer in that business.

Money for Murder

Hospitals get incentives for murdering coronavirus patients

Let’s get this one out of the way now. Hospitals are paid incentives from the government to murder patients. A coronavirus death results in $100,000 paid to the hospital from our very own tax dollars.

Hospitals are paid incentives for administering remdesivir (deadly drug) and for putting patients on ventilators. The result is many, many unnecessary deaths. I personally know a friend who was killed in the hospital under these circumstances.

This is not a conspiracy theory and this is not a lie. This is a cold hard fact. And, you are welcome to research it yourself. Our hospitals were driven by money rather than proper care. The Hippocratic Oath is gone now too.

The “Doctors”

Most of the doctors in our hospitals are compromised. If your doctor is under 55 years old, it is highly likely that the doctor cares more about money than helping you. I think the medical schools are teaching students how to make money instead of how to get you better.

How do I arrive at this conclusion? These young doctors have no idea what they are doing, so they put you through a bunch of tests to see if something comes up. Each of these tests generate the hospital a lot of money. Once again, money is more important than care.

Non-Profit Nonsense

Hospitals are non-profit organizations. That means they don’t have to pay taxes because they don’t make profits. This is one of the biggest jokes in the history of our nation. There are two large hospital systems in my area. They build new hospitals like sand castles. I can’t drive two miles without seeing one of their buildings and I can’t drive one mile without seeing a billboard.

Let’s assume that they are building new hospitals and advertising to use up the profits they are making so they can remain “non-profit.” Why can’t they lower their prices to lower their profits? And, why can’t they refuse government murder incentives that increase profits? They are more non-care than non-profit.

Of note, one of the health systems recently built a new hospital close to my home. And, it has been sitting empty for about six months.

Heal Yourself

Many of you might think I’m a lunatic, but there are other avenues to care for yourself. There are oils and home remedies. Books exist for home health care. You can use a chiropractor. You would be amazed what a great chiropractor can do for a variety of illnesses. Of course, there is homeopathic medicine. The hospitals and doctors call this witchcraft because they don’t want us to use this. That’s because it works.

If you want proper care, it’s time to stay away from the hospitals. Back in the day, you would come out of a hospital feeling better. Now, you come out feeling worse. And in all too many instances, you come out with more illnesses than when you went in.

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