Keep The Kids Dazed and Confused

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Harari wants our kids playing video games and taking drugs

I watched a video of Yuval Harari last week where he said to “keep them happy with drugs and computer games.” Harari is Klaus Schwab’s “mini me”. And, just like in the movie “Austin Powers,” mini me is much more evil than “Dr. Evil.” Schwab and Harari want to eliminate “useless” humans. Keep the kids dazed and confused until we can eliminate them. And, that is exactly what our kids are letting them do.


Because our kids can’t make the grades and they have no motivation, we are insourcing doctors. Many of them are from India. In my universe, there are more Indian doctors than American doctors. I have talked to a young Indian programmer in our Information Technology department. He told me that he went to school 10 hours a day for 17 years. Because of that, he didn’t have time to play video games. I can see his discipline in his work. It won’t be long until he advances up the ladder.


Who owns just about every gas station and convenience store? I’ll tell you who it isn’t. It isn’t the American kids playing video games and doing drugs. Most American kids are retarded now. I don’t mean the derogatory word. I mean they have impaired intellectual development. They can shoot a hundred people in level one of a video game, but they can’t tell you what 12 times 9 equals.

High Life

Self-medicating is at an all-time high partly because our kids were locked up during the coronavirus pandemic. Drug usage is out of control. The global elites, George Soros and the Biden administration have flooded the country with drugs. So, the drugs are easier to find and cost less (see a supply and demand graph in an economics book).


We need to help our kids snap out of it, and fast. America was always the home of the best and brightest. That title is fading fast. While our next generation plays video games and gets high, other countries like India are moving up the list. We can’t let Dr. Evil and “Mini Me” win. Toss out the video games and confiscate the drugs. Keep the kids busy in school for 10 hours a day year round. Teach them true skills that they can use for the betterment of America.

Let’s get back to the days of Einstein and Edison. If we can get the next generation on the right track, it will fix our political leaders too. We could have another Lincoln or Jefferson. The next generation is the most important generation for our country in a very long time. But, we need to take action now.

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