Keep It Up Patriots

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The Great Freeset is on. Americans everywhere have had enough of Biden and his disasters and threats. People are chanting, striking, staying home from work, demonstrating and heckling Biden and his family wherever they go. The only people that are still in Biden’s corner are Congressional Democrats, the mainstream media, big tech and Americans who are absolutely clueless. We’re making some noise. So, let’s keep it up patriots.


As defined on, a patriot is a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion. That’s a perfect definition of the resistance we’re seeing.

Monica Smit is an Australian hero for standing up to the coronavirus tyranny

Heroes are emerging everywhere. A veteran pilot made a video about how a vaccine mandate is an ultimatum between feeding your family and freedom of choice. Steve Bannon providing a voice for the people. Monica Smit was arrested in Australia for alleged incitement of anti-lockdown protests and she refused tyrannical bail terms and went to prison. Southwest airline employees staged a sick out that resulted in mass chaos. Boeing employees are having a sick out every Friday starting October 15th. And, Kyrie Irving of the Brooklyn Nets in the NBA has taken a hard stance against being vaccinated.

I just watched a video with Dr. Bryan Ardis of Dallas, Texas. He is doing everything he can to save Americans from coronavirus. He had proof that hospitals are treating patients solely with remdesivir, which killed 53% of subjects in an Ebola study that Dr. Fauci participated in. The hospitals are even getting a 20% bonus for Medicare patients if they use remdesivir. And, Dr. Fauci is hiding the fact that hospitals can use ivermectin, which has killed zero patients in forty years. Our hospitals are trying to kill us, and Dr. Ardis is spreading the word.

Mad As Hell

George Soros is one of the most evil people on the planet

Biden is getting mad as hell and he wants to punish the unvaccinated. So, we need to be on guard. But, the fact that he’s getting so angry tells me the patriots are getting to him. Gates, Soros, Obama and the others telling Joe what to do are losing patience with him. So, he has to step up his game.

We have to step up our game too. I have decided that if my company adopts the vaccine mandate, I’ll wait until they fire me. I’ll tell them that my freedom is more important to me than anything. If we allow our fascist government to continue down this trail of taking our freedoms away from us little by little, it will get to the point where we have no freedoms left. I’m not going to allow that to happen if I can help it.

How Low Can Biden Go?

Joe Biden

Biden absolutely must get everyone vaccinated to keep his handlers happy. So, the more that patriots stand in his way, the lower he will go. Unfortunately for you vaccinated people, you are going to be casualties of his actions too. I just read today that supply shortages will continue unless people get vaccinated. So, he is willing to cause food and supply shortages for everybody because some patriots won’t get vaccinated. He wants to turn vaccinated people on unvaccinated people, which is a sick, twisted, immoral thing to do.

I’m sure he is expected to get everybody vaccinated by a certain date, so look for him to ramp this up big time. I’m pretty sure if he doesn’t get the job done, they’re going to take him out and put it in Kamala’s hands. When he gets desperate, we dig in more. We are on the side of God and country. He is on the side of Satan and evil. We know who will win. So, stay the course.


This battle is not being fought with guns and bombs. It’s being fought by patriots taking a stance for their freedom. Whether it’s the unvaccinated, the school parents or the Catholics, the creativity I’m seeing and the bravery I’m seeing is admirable. There is power in numbers, so the more people we can recruit, the more angry Biden will get. His polling numbers are lower than I have ever seen for a President in my lifetime. And he doesn’t care. For him, it’s not about being re-elected, it’s about breaking every American to give up their freedoms. That’s not going to happen Joe.

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