Just Make All Western Shows

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I finally got Paramount+, and I’m watching the “1883” series. It’s a prequel to the very popular “Yellowstone” series. It’s a fascinating story about a group of settlers making their way from Texas to Oregon. So far, it is good non-woke entertainment. Just make all western shows Hollywood. Western shows are the truest representation of what America really is.

Men and Women

In Western shows, men are men

In western shows, men are men and women are women. Men marry women and women marry men. Men don’t change into women and women don’t change into men. Women dress like women and men dress like men.

If a woman gets pregnant, she delivers the baby. She doesn’t ask somebody to put a stick in her and kill it.

The Indians in westerns are even more respectful of the role of a man and a woman. I wonder if today’s Indians still feel the same way as the western shows, or if Hollywood, the mainstream media and the Democrats got to them.


There are no politics in western shows. Nobody is a Republican or a Democrat. In fact, I don’t think they even know of politics. They are in it together, and they help anyone in the group at any time. I don’t ever remember watching a western show where a person refuses to help another person because of their political party or beliefs.


In the western shows, everybody has manners. Men are called sir. Women are called ma’am. People say please and thank you. This is exactly what children need to watch.


Western shows are not afraid to reference God. In “1838,” I have heard a reference to thanking God and a reference to His creation (land). The truth is the truth. We should be thankful to God and for His creation. This is exactly what children need to hear.


I’m sure there are exceptions to the rule here. But for the most part, western characters are respectful. In “1838,” the husband respects his wife and the wife respects her husband. And, the children respect their parents. The settlers respect the Indians, and the Indians respect the settlers.


I love the appearance of the characters in western shows. The characters (who are not Indians) don’t have tattoos and body piercings. It’s a throwback to the way our country used to be. In the era of western shows, people didn’t desecrate their bodies.

Simpler Times

If you have never watched a western show, you must. Western shows depict simpler times. A character’s biggest desires are a bath, food and clothing. Nobody is trying to decide to switch their gender or outwit another political party.

Simpler times means living off the land and fending for yourself. It means loving your neighbor and helping each other out. And, it means being respectful of God and others. In simpler times, a family was valued above all and it was vital that the father be at the center of the family. In contrast, Hollywood almost always characterizes the father as a buffoon who isn’t needed.


I read recently that movie theater attendance is down. And, I read that Netflix is having financial troubles due to a loss of subscribers. In fact, all entertainment venues appear to be having trouble right now. When I go to a movie or watch Netflix, I want to be entertained. But, in a proper way. I don’t want men kissing men, deadbeat dads, open sexual acts, horrible language and disrespect. I want wholesome western shows. So, just make all western shows. And, watch the audience come roaring back.

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