John Durham Finally Delivered

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After four years, John Durham finally delivered a 300+ page report that concludes that the FBI should have never launched an investigation into President Trump’s alleged ties to Russia during the 2016 presidential election. Although this is great news, I have some comments.


Durham did not recommend any indictments. Hillary Clinton, Adam Schiff and Barack Obama should be indicted. And, a lot of others too. And, the mainstream media should be held accountable also. That means Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, Joe Scarborough and Joy Reid. In fact, every mainstream media channel should be made to pay reparations to President Trump and every conservative American.

So Late

Durham took four years to create 300+ pages. That’s less than 100 pages per year. Sometimes I write 100 pages in a week at work. Maybe Durham had a reason to release it when he did. Maybe it was strategic. The numbers don’t add up for me. Either he should have released it much sooner or he should have had a more substantial report. I don’t mean more substantial as in better content, I mean substantial as in more detail.

Actually, Durham released his report late because the statute of limitations expired for indictments. So, he blocked consequences for the people involved. Something about that doesn’t smell right.


President Trump

President Trump’s lawyers must be salivating. He can sue so many people that I can’t include them all. The rich is about to get much richer. Since Durham didn’t recommend indictments, Trump can go after every one of them with the report as his backing. Hillary better start hiding her assets.

Basically, any person who mentioned Trump and Russia should be behind bars or sued for everything they have. This is no joke. We’re talking about the torture of a president and his staff for over two years.

In fact, conservatives should consider a class action lawsuit against some of these liars. They used our money for a witch hunt that was based on dirty Democrats and lies. And, it hurt us because they tried to distract a president we elected.


The FBI is under an enormous microscope right now. And, Durham’s report proved that the FBI is weaponized against conservatives. Considering the House hearings that are being conducted now, the FBI is in a world of hurt. Their reputation is beyond gone. They do whatever the Democrats ask them to do instead of doing their real job. And, they’re getting exposed. And, it tickles me to death that they are getting their comeuppance.

In my opinion, the FBI and DOJ should both be disbanded and we should start over.


I’m sorry. I got more angry as I typed. Durham’s report is a travesty. This makes Watergate look like a minor disturbance. We all knew the Democrats were dirty. And, we knew the DOJ and FBI were dirty. But, this went all the way to the top. Obama and Biden knew about it. I think this proves how the inner workings of our government operate. These shenanigans likely happen on both sides of the aisle. But, this is big and this is bad. Let’s see how the Democrats try to talk their way out of this one.

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