Joe Biden Sold His Soul To Obama

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Joe Biden would not be the alleged president if it wasn’t for his former boss. Joe Biden sold his soul to Obama. He’s the stool pigeon being used by Obama for his third term. And, Biden is paying for it.


One of the most dangerous things in life is when you are beholden to another person or group of people. It puts you at your most vulnerable. Not only is Biden beholden to China and Ukraine, he is the most beholden to Obama. Obama helped Biden to allegedly get elected as president. As thanks for helping him, Biden has to kiss his ring constantly.

Biden is the worst president (not really the president) in the history of the United States. The things he says and does make no sense. No human with a brain and a conscience would do what he does. It’s so bizarre that there has to be more to it.


Biden sold his soul to Obama, so now he is paying him back. Obama gets a third term and has a flunky to do the dirty work he never could. Obama pulls the strings and Biden looks like an idiot. But, Biden has no idea what’s happening. Obama is kicking back drinking a martini while Biden does his dirty work. The end result is that Biden has the lowest approval ratings in decades. Obama doesn’t have to worry about approval ratings. And, he sure doesn’t worry about Biden’s approval ratings either.


The only thing Joe Biden can do right is eat ice cream

Biden is one of the biggest idiots I have ever known. If I ran into him, I would beat the lies out of him. But, I have a tiny sliver of sympathy for him. First, he is an illegitimate president who cheated and he knows it. You know that feeling when you cheat in a game and win, then feel guilty that you cheated. Second, he has dementia. He has every symptom. And, parading him in front of the world is nothing short of elder abuse.

Third, Obama has made him look like a complete fool. Biden hasn’t done one good thing for the country. That’s because Obama doesn’t want to be upstaged. It’s also because Biden is stuck doing everything Obama tells him to do. It reminds me of a movie I watched where two teenage boys and a teenage girl kill an autistic boy. One of the teenage boys coerces the other teenage boy to stab the boy. Under pressure, the teenage boy does what the other tells him to do.

That’s exactly what is happening with Biden. I can only imagine what it must feel like to cheat your way to be president, then not be able to do anything good. Biden will get his picture in the history books, but he’ll always be in the discussion of worst president ever.


Obama needed someone he can control. So, he handpicked Biden. Obama tells him what to do and what to say. When Biden was campaigning from his basement, he was getting instructions from Obama. And, when Biden takes all of his vacations, he is getting instructions from Obama. And, that is the life of Biden.

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