I’ve Had Enough of This

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I’m pissed off at everybody. Democrats, Republicans, the media, big tech, King Fauci, the CDC, John Durham, the Pennsylvania legislature, our weak misguided military and the teachers unions. I’ve had enough of this!


Here it comes. The Republicans will pretend like they’re so angry and that someone needs to be held accountable, then nothing will happen. The Biden administration’s incompetence is resulting in the rape and killing of people in Afghanistan. But, they will walk free, while people who walked in the halls of the Capitol Building on January 6th are in their seventh month of solitary confinement and torture.

The Capitol police shot and killed unarmed Ashlii Babbitt on January 6th, and the killer walks free. When will this madness end?


The Biden administration wants everybody to get vaccinated. Since he is having trouble selling it, he decided to let coronavirus-infected people enter our country on the southern border, and he ships them throughout the country to infect Americans. This isn’t the action of a man who cares about it’s citizens. This is the action of a man who wants revenge on the people who won’t listen to him. And, it’s hurting and killing people.

In Braveheart, King Edward I orders his archers to shoot at his own people

I’m going to have to bring up Adolf Hitler. He wanted to kill an entire race of people. Biden is doing the exact same thing to Trump supporters. But, it’s affecting his own people as well. I’ll never forget in Braveheart when King Edward I sent in the foot soldiers. Then, while they were fighting on the field, he ordered the archers to attack. A man said, “But sir. Won’t we hit our own men?” And the King said, “Yes. But we’ll hit their men too.”

Democrats, re-read the above paragraph ten more times. He doesn’t care about you.

Border Crisis

I already mentioned coronavirus being brought into our country on the border. But, that’s not all. The Biden administration is letting criminals and drug lords into our country at a historical pace. He’s flooding our cities with illegal drugs and aiding and abetting human trafficking. The Biden administration is promoting gangs like MS-13.


Biden is not protecting us. And, he took an oath of office to protect us. He’s doing just the opposite. He’s putting all of us (you too Democrats) in danger. The Republicans will talk a big game before taking a knee before King Biden and sauntering quietly into the night.

I’m going to call all of my Congress members demanding that the Biden administration be held accountable for their incompetent actions. And, I’m going to make sure I mention our woke, unprepared military too. I know nothing will happen, but I have to do something. I’ve had enough of this!

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