It Won’t Work Mike Johnson

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I just read an interesting article where Speaker of the House Mike Johnson claimed that he and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries have a great deal in common and a good relationship. So, one of two things is going on. First, Hakeem Jeffries is really running the show and Johnson is kissing his butt. Or second, Johnson is trying to win over the support of Jeffries by ingratiating him. Either way, it won’t work Mike Johnson.


I’ve never been in politics, but I know this. Mike Johnson is in a pit of vipers. Common sense and logical rationale don’t apply. Hakeem Jeffries could be hanging from a cliff by one arm. Then, when Johnson offers a hand of help, Jeffries would cut his hand off. You don’t tell a viper you’re his buddy. And, a viper doesn’t tell you he’s your buddy.


You can throw out all of the God and Jesus stuff too Mike Johnson. The only religion the Democrats have is abortion. Yeah. I know. Jesus loves me, this I know. For, the Bible tells me so. The Democrats fall into one of three categories. First, those that don’t believe in God and Jesus. Second, those that ridicule you for believing in God and Jesus. And third, those that will take advantage of your belief in God and Jesus to get you to do stupid things.

Peter Brady

When the school bully was picking on Cindy Brady because she talked funny on the 1960s sitcom named the Brady Bunch, her brother tried to protect her and ended up getting picked on also. Peter’s father suggested reasoning with the bully the next day. So, when Peter tried reasoning the next day, the bully punched him in the nose.

None of the people Mike Johnson is dealing with are going to be reasoned with. Their only reasoning is to do whatever needs to be done to make more money. Every decision and/or vote in our Congress is about money. A representative would get laughed out of the room and heckled by proposing to do something that would help the people they represent. Just ask Marjorie Taylor Green.


I’m sure Mike Johnson is a nice guy. But, you don’t send a boy to do a man’s job. He is getting eaten alive with a smile on his face. I remember when I first became a manager at work. I learned real fast that you can’t be friends with the people that report to you. And, I learned that you have to watch your back constantly because of office politics. This isn’t Sunday Bible school, Mike Johnson. You are hurting and killing people. Your God isn’t going to like that.

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