If You Voted For Biden

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The country is being decimated day by day for the Great Reset. And, it’s happening to everyone in the country. It doesn’t matter if you are Republican, Democrat, Independent, liberal, conservative, black, white, Asian, American Indian, Hispanic or Jewish. It doesn’t matter if you are male, female, transsexual or homosexual. Everybody is going to be affected in a very negative way. If you voted for Biden (or against President Trump), you enabled this. There are no do overs.

Due Diligence

Joe Biden likes to smell the hair of little girls

Did those of you who voted for Biden pay attention to his campaign, or lack thereof? Biden’s campaign consisted of hiding in his basement and offering no information about what his positions were. None of the media coverage you read and watched mentioned any of his positions and policies. And, none of you questioned anything because President Trump posted some mean tweets.

You bought into the nonsense about President Trump being a liar, a Russian asset, a racist and more. Guess what. All of it is being proven untrue. And, if you open your eyes and actually look at President Trump’s accomplishments fairly, you can see the stark contrast of him versus Biden. President Trump might turn some people off, but he loves this country and only wants to make it great. Biden hates this country and wants to destroy it.


Did those of you who voted for Biden want to pay significantly more for goods and services? If you did, I want to meet you because you are a unique person. The cost of gas is rising, and the cost to heat your home this winter is going up over 30%. Grocery prices have gone up about 25%. I know this because I pay over $80 now for the same items I used to pay $60 for. Biden said he wants to use the pandemic to make fundamental change in our economy. He’s off to a flying start.

This isn’t going to get better. In fact, it’s going to get much worse. Biden admits that. Gas lines, food rationing and bank runs are coming soon. So, when I see you in those gas lines, I’ll be sure to thank you. You might want to remove those Biden bumper stickers.

Killing People

Fentanyl is being smuggled across our southern border in record amounts

Did those of you who voted for Biden want to kill people? If you answered yes, you are one sick person, and now I understand why you voted for him. Some of you cheer when some idiot talking head says that unvaccinated people shouldn’t have jobs so they can’t feed their family. Maybe you cheer when medicines that can help people with coronavirus are rationed and withheld.

Do you cheer when a person is refused for a life-saving transplant because the person is unvaccinated or the donor is unvaccinated? Some of you might even cheer when an unvaccinated person dies of coronavirus. Does it make you happy when a person dies from fentanyl that came through our open border? I want to believe the country hasn’t become this cold and callous. But some of what I have seen doesn’t give me hope.


Did those of you who voted for Biden want open borders? Maybe some of you did, but I have no idea why you would want that. This is a bipartisan issue too. Guess who is going to pay to keep all of these refugees and illegals? It won’t be the refugees and illegals. Biden says he wants to change the racial mix in America. Did he ever mention that before the election? I didn’t think so. But, at least he doesn’t post mean tweets.

Great Reset

Rioting and looting are weapons of the Democrats

You can call me a conspiracy theorist all you want. The Great Reset is upon us and it’s picking up steam very quickly. Did those of you who voted for Biden want the Great Reset? I don’t remember Biden saying anything about that before the election.

The Great Reset is bipartisan. Right now it looks like it’s only aimed at Trump supporters, but that’s about to give. There is a concerted effort to control people, take away our freedoms, put people out of work and create anarchy in our cities. The supply chain is devastated, and we are being told it could last for years. That won’t just affect us personally, small businesses won’t be able to survive.

But, that’s the plan. Just like communist China, they want the government to control everything about us. They want small businesses gone so everybody has to shop at Walmart and Amazon. They want population control (good luck to all of you that got vaccinated) and they want to get rid of God and religion.

I’ll bet you didn’t think about any of this when you voted for Biden.


People are generally good. I can’t believe that people who have common sense voted for Biden. Some were likely duped because he was allowed to sit in his basement and say nothing. That’s why I know 150% that the election was rigged. He sat in his basement knowing that he already won. Everybody needs to stop believing the mainstream media and demand that the election be investigated. If we don’t, then we are all guilty of allowing the Great Reset to happen in America. And we will all pay a very dear price for that. The America we knew will be gone.

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