I Will Never Understand Republicans

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I am an Independent and I am so glad I decided to undeclare. I will never understand Republicans. In my mind, there is Trump at the top and everyone else at the bottom. Instead of getting a greater majority in the House of Representatives, they are making the majority slimmer. I’ve never seen anything like it before.

McCarthy Effect

Kevin McCarthy is a failed leader in the House of Representatives

Make no bones about it. Former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy is sabotaging the Republicans. He will not rest until he helps the Democrats get the majority. What a child. Hate is not a strong enough word for how I feel about McCarthy. He is a demon. And, this proves that the Republicans removed him as speaker.

Santos Effect

This is a head scratcher on many fronts. As of today, Santos has not been convicted of anything. In other words, he is innocent until proven guilty. But, the Republicans (including James Comer) were in a mad rush to expel him from congress. Now, their majority is down to three and Comer says there may not be enough votes to open the ten millionth Biden impeachment inquiry. Is it just me or are the Republicans dumb as rocks? Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

Or, are they trying to lose the majority on purpose? Why would they do that you ask? First, they can abandon all the “so called” investigations where they are getting nowhere. Second, they can look the other way on January 6th. Third, Kevin McCarthy can do a victory dance around the chamber.


I will never understand Republicans. They are the softest people on the planet. If the Democrats were in the majority, they would have impeached Trump one hundred times by now. The Republicans can’t get one. Very rarely does a Democrat break ranks in voting, but the Republicans do it almost every time. I don’t know if it’s narcissism or ignorance or both. How hard is it to figure out? If you have a majority, use that power to make things happen. But, they just don’t get it.

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