I Can’t Think Of Anything To Post

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I have writer’s block tonight. And, I can’t think of anything to post about. I’m experiencing two issues. First, I have over 450 posts so I’m starting to hit potential duplicates. And second, I have a lot of ideas, but none of them are worthy of an entire post. So, here is an idea dump.

Trump Trials

The more these idiot Democrats go after Trump, the more popular he becomes. At this pace, he will win in a landslide from prison. The Democrats didn’t think this one through very well.


I pray to God for the soul of Stormy Daniels. She is such a lost soul. Daniels has had a tough life. I don’t care how much money she made doing pornographic movies. This is a woman who is totally empty inside. And, the prosecutors in Trump’s trial put her on display for the world to see. People like the prosecutors are the reason Daniels is the way she is.


I went to the grocery store tonight. A bag of Tostito’s corn chips was $6.50. But, Biden says that inflation is low. And no, I didn’t buy it.


Steve Bannon lost his appeal, and could be headed to prison. Poor Peter Navarro is already in prison. And, the republicans in the House of Representatives are sitting with their feet up celebrating giving a ton more of our tax dollars to Ukraine. So what if members of their party are going to prison.

Another Week

Another week has gone by in the House of Representatives and the Republicans still haven’t done anything meaningful for me since I helped them win the majority. And, another week of serving their Democrat masters.

Another Week (Part 2)

Another week and Biden lashed out at half the country. At some point, do you think the people running his campaign would tell him that’s not a good idea?


Hillary Clinton still thinks she won the 2016 presidential election

Why is Hillary Clinton given air time? She isn’t smart. And, she isn’t attractive. She doesn’t have anything relevant to say. And, she never even makes sense. I guess there aren’t a lot of potential liberal guests out there.


Tucker Carlson has been rather quiet lately. The election is six months away. It’s time to get going.


I tried to give her a chance. I really did. But, there’s nothing likable about her. She’s a phony, and it is as transparent as a newly cleaned window. There isn’t an ounce of humility in her. If she’s the future of the Democratic party, then the Republicans got a gift.


Biden and the Democrats are brazenly breaking every rule leading into an election. For example, raising gas prices and talking about increasing taxes. Either they know they will cheat and win or they know something big is coming. There are too many eyes on cheating, so my vote is a bird flu pandemic next September. If not bird flu, then I predict a war. Unfortunately, this is what has become of our elections.


Well, I guess I thought about some things to post.

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