How Can Biden Still Be President?

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I haven’t seen very many articles about this, so I want to get it out there. How can Biden still be president? If he isn’t well enough to be the Democrat presidential candidate, then he isn’t well enough to be the president either. He needs to be relieved of his duties.


Here are some facts. Biden is beyond early stage dementia now. He is having trouble getting in and out of cars. Biden is not and was never the real president. And, he doesn’t have the mental capability to be the president now. Biden presents a clear and present danger to our country as it’s president. And, he presents a danger to the entire world.


The way the Democrats forced Biden out of the presidential race is fair game for conspiracy theories. One such theory is that the Biden we’re seeing since his “covid” lockdown in Delaware is actually a CIA operative wearing a mask. That may sound bizarre, but I have seen a picture of his forehead where it did look like a mask was pulling off. I also read a credible story that said he was about three inches taller now. Did the Democrats literally take him out? Is he living on some remote island like Hannibal Lecter? Time will answer those questions.


President Biden falls boarding Air Force One

Regardless of the facts and theories, how can Biden stay on as president? If he is too handicapped to be the Democratic presidential president, then he is definitely too handicapped to run the greatest country in the world. Biden can’t get the job done and he certainly can’t represent our country with foreign leaders.

He can’t sign bills into law because he likely won’t know what he’s signing. And, he can’t be involved in any military conflicts. The White House has become a nursing home. And, our alleged president will be getting three square meals a day, snack time, nap time and arts and crafts sessions for the next six months. That doesn’t cut it for me. It’s time to move on now.


Biden can’t remain the president of our country. Although I know he never has been the real president, put in Kamala via the 25th amendment. She’ll be horrible, but she is alive. The Democrats have done it again. They can be more destructive for the next six months and blame it on Biden. And, Kamala can run her campaign blaming everything on Biden when the going gets tough. And, the beat goes on.

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