History Won’t Be Kind to Biden

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I’ll say it again. History won’t be kind to Biden. Poll-wise, he is the most unpopular alleged president since they started tracking it. But, he’s also not intelligent. You can tell he skated through his classes. And, you can tell he was a do-nothing politician for 50 years. He lies, cheats and steals with a smirk on his face. I can only think of one other person that might be dumber, and that is Kamala. And, she is the least popular alleged vice president in modern history.


What will the history books say about Biden? First, he cheated to win the election by using coronavirus to change the rules. He halted oil drilling and made us dependent on foreign oil. He illegally used his Justice Department to try to silence his opponents, go after his political rivals and divide the country. Biden mismanaged supply chain issues over and over again. He also handed over military bases and expensive military equipment in Afghanistan. Now, he is providing billions of dollars and military equipment to Ukraine leading to a potential third world war.


President Biden falls boarding Air Force One

You can call it senility, dementia or early Alzheimers. But, Biden struggles with the simplest of things like talking. Although he claims to have a stuttering issue, that is not the problem. He can’t remember what he is saying and he blurs his words together. Biden even does this when he has his teleprompter. Communication is one of the most important elements of being a leader, and Biden is incapable of holding a normal conversation.

Biden has a history of falling. He has fallen getting on Air Force One multiple times. Biden fell off his bike and he tripped and fell after giving a commencement address.

Finally, Biden looks lost and confused after giving an address. He walks around aimlessly and shakes hands with invisible people. He also pretends to make contact with people in the audience through a wave or nod. It’s really quite awkward.

History will remember him as the most lost and confused (alleged) president in history.


I won’t even cite all of the examples here. But, Biden is a creeper. Especially around children. Eventually, the ugly truth about this will come out. I believe he has done weird things with his family members. And, I’m sure he assaulted Tara Reade. And, I’m also sure there are a lot more “dead bodies” to be found. As more and more things come out, history will remember Biden as a sexual deviant.


Biden is and always will be a pathological liar. But, he is also a total hypocrite. He tells at least one lie every single day. And, they aren’t even little white lies. They’re whoppers. But, the hypocrisy might be worse. There are instances where he says something and a past video of him saying the complete opposite surfaces.

Because of his senility, I don’t think he is aware that he is lying. In fact, I think he actually believes what he is saying. I also think the senility lends itself to the hypocrisy. He has no idea what he said before, and he actually believes what he is saying now.

The historians are going to have a very difficult time separating the truth from the lies.


Biden is going to be a pathetic chapter in the history books. He has been on vacation for almost a year of his term so far. And, he hasn’t done anything positive for our country. So, all that will be left are the things I have outlined. At Biden’s inauguration, he claimed he was going to unite the country. However, he has done just the opposite. There has never been a greater divide in this country except maybe during the civil war. Just another lie from Biden on another day.

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