Hey Republicans! Help These People!

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It is June 16th. That’s over five months since the events of January 6th. A woman was killed and many people are still languishing in solitary confinement. I haven’t heard a single Republican in Congress address this. Not one Republican is advocating for these people. Why is that? Hey Republicans! Help these people!


Ashlii Babbitt was needlessly murdered on January 6, 2021 at the United States Capitol Building

Ashlii Babbitt was murdered. She did not have a weapon. And, she was not making threats. She shouldn’t have been in the Capitol building. But, she didn’t deserve to be murdered.

Ashlii was 35 years old, with a husband and children. Those children don’t have a mom anymore.

The Capitol police shooter’s name has been buried. I don’t see any Republican congress members coming to her family’s aid to investigate the shooter. Why is it that when Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters and looters get arrested, the Democrats create a bail fund to set them free? But, when a Republican Trump supporter is killed, nobody says a word. Is it because you don’t care? Is it because she isn’t black? Why? You owe us an explanation.

Solitary Confinement

Political prisoners from January 6 have been languishing in solitary confinement for over 5 months

I’ll reiterate. The people who entered the Capitol building on January 6th shouldn’t have done that. They’re some of the dumbest people in the world. But, do they deserve to be sitting in solitary confinement for over five months? I haven’t read or heard a single account of an Antifa or Black Lives Matter terrorist being held in solitary confinement for their actions.

The deafening silence of the Republican congress members concerns me. And, that includes ALL of you. Even fine congress members like Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, Marsha Blackburn and Tom Cotton. These people are being mistreated. They are being tortured. And, nobody is coming to their aid. That is shameful!


Our Republican leaders are afraid to help the January 6 political prisoners

I think our Republican congressional leaders are afraid to touch this out of fear of being labeled as supporters of domestic terrorism and/or being investigated themselves. And, they certainly want to stay as far away from QAnon as possible. Or, maybe they are afraid of losing their next election.

But, what if this was your husband or wife that was shot dead? What if this was your son or daughter being held in solitary confinement for over five months? Would you do nothing?

The Democrats have exploited this and engaged in political theater to scare everyone. Maybe they have already threatened all of you Republicans. But, now is the time for bravery. These are American citizens who made a mistake. The mistake was nowhere near the devastation we’ve seen in the Antifa and Black Lives Matter riots over the past couple of years. However, the Democrats have managed to deflect the attention on the riots to zoom in on these people. And, you’re letting it happen.

Political Prisoners

When I think of political prisoners, I think about Americans being held in foreign countries. But, the Democrats are now keeping political prisoners in America. This is tragic. How do we know that these prisoners are not being questioned and tortured? How do we know they aren’t being brainwashed?

I wouldn’t put anything past the Democrats and the liberal deep state. They’ll do anything to retain power in Washington, D.C. Even if it means killing someone or ruining people’s lives. My fellow Americans. You mean absolutely nothing to them. You are expendable if it means they can retain power.

More of the Same

The FBI are raiding the homes of people who were at the January 6 demonstration

Today, I read two more articles about the FBI raiding the homes of two more people they identified as being present on January 6th. That’s right. They’re still arresting people five months later.

Our deep state is so focused on tracking down and arresting people from January 6th that they can’t stop cyber-criminals from hacking into our gasoline and food supply lines.

Have you read or heard anything about the FBI raiding the homes of Antifa or Black Lives Matter rioters and throwing them in solitary confinement? I’ll answer that for you. NO!

By the way, raiding people’s homes like they are mafia crime bosses is a scare tactic. Not to scare the person they are arresting. But, to scare every Trump supporter out there that you could be next.


I’m pleading with our Republican leaders in the House and Senate to remember our fellow Americans. Ashlii Babbitt and the solitary prisoners need your help. This charade needs to end immediately. Ashlii’s family deserves to know who shot her and why. The political prisoners need to be released. And, the ongoing FBI raids need to stop.

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