Hater Gonna Hate Kinzinger

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Adam Kinzinger

Have you ever met someone and the person just rubs you the wrong way? Or you meet someone and you know after about five seconds that you will never like the person. This has certainly happened to me on occasion. I call it being a good judge of character. But, there have been times I was wrong too. I’m not wrong on this one though. When I see Adam Kinzinger in a photo or on television, it turns my stomach. So, the hater gonna hate Kinzinger.

Bully Target

You can tell right away that Kinzinger was bullied as a child. He might even have had issues with bed wetting. Usually when someone is bullied as a child, they turn into a bully after childhood and lash out at others. That lashing out doesn’t have to be physical. It can be mental too.

Frat Boy

Kinzinger looks like a frat boy. I can easily see him paddling new recruits, drinking until he pukes, pulling somebody’s pants down and treating girls like garbage. He just has that look on his face.

Kinzinger also has that little rich boy look. Daddy, I’m running short of one hundred dollar bills, can you send me another twenty as soon as possible? I’ll bet money he drives a fancy car too. He’s a spoiled brat who hasn’t had to work a hard day in his life.

Holier Than Thou

A narcissist loves himself more than anybody

I can’t stand a person who acts like he is better than everybody else. Kinzinger reeks of this. As they say, he thinks it doesn’t stink. He acts like he is God’s gift to the House of Representatives. He is a total narcissist who only cares about himself.

Kinzinger tries to convince us that his actions are a result of his convictions. But, it’s quite apparent that he’s grandstanding for attention. Ultimately, he wants people to talk about him in the media.

When I got my MBA in Marketing, I learned something that has stuck with me. Public relations is public relations, whether it is good or bad. In other words, Kinzinger is happy to play a bad guy as long as he gets the attention he desires. That’s the only reason he does what he does.

The Parking Incident

One of my favorite representatives is Madison Cawthorn from North Carolina. Unfortunately, he is in a wheelchair. This past week, he endorsed Catalina Lauf for Kinzinger’s seat in the house. Well, that made Kinzinger mad. So, what did Kinzinger do? He parked in a spot so that he blocked the wheelchair ramp so Cawthorn couldn’t get out.

Does that sound like a nice person?


Kinzinger is an attorney. How many attorneys do you like? Say no more.


Kinzinger is from Illinois. In the world of politics, Illinois is a cesspool. Say no more.


I will never understand how people like Kinzinger, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Maxine Waters keep getting voted in to Congress. These are all people who should not be in our government. I hope Catalina Lauf beats Kinzinger by double digits. As I said, I loathe Kinzinger. There isn’t one likable thing about him.

And, he’s a Republican (in name only), which makes him all the worse. Not only is he unlikable, he is a traitor. I’m begging the true Republicans to sit this guy on the sideline. Limit his exposure. That will hit him where it counts, because he is starved for attention.

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