Grocery Shopping in Kamala’s World

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I had an eye-opening experience the last time I went grocery shopping. I could barely afford anything. So, when I pulled my cart to the register, I barely had anything. However, the people in front of me had two carts completely full of groceries. I waited patiently and then they paid $260 using food stamps. My total was $50. And, that is grocery shopping in Kamala’s world.


Here is the kicker. Guess who pays for their food stamps. Yours truly. So, I can’t afford to buy groceries myself, but the state and federal governments are only too happy to take my money to feed others. With inflation as high as it is, they need to stop taking money from me until it is brought under control.

I don’t begrudge people who truly need food stamps. But, this husband and wife didn’t look like they needed them. They had tattoos everywhere and fancy phones. Those aren’t cheap.


Perhaps it’s time to audit the people who are using food stamps. I’ll bet at least 25% of them don’t need them. The IRS will knock my door down to audit my tax return if I accidentally put $5 in the wrong box. But, as far as I know, nobody audits the people on food stamps. If they do, I’m sure it’s a softball process. And, it’s probably rare for someone to lose their benefits.

Hand Outs

This is all about the plan for equity. The elite cabal wants everybody to be equal slaves. That means every person must rely on government handouts to survive. So, they will drain my money for others to eat until I can’t eat myself. Then, they will joyfully welcome me to the food stamp program.


Not many Americans have figured this out. Our country is asleep. And, it’s going to be way too late when they do figure it out. The country is changing day by day, and has been for the last 3 years. And, I’m getting tired of the sheep making my life miserable.

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