George Soros Is The Third Antichrist

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The great Nostradamus (Michel de Nostradame, 1503-1566) was best known as an exceptional clairvoyant. Nearly all of his predictions came true. His most incredible and disturbing prophecies involve the coming of the first, second and third Antichrists. History has given us Napoleon as the first and Hitler as the second. And, then he predicted that the third would be a “man of blood” from the East. I think we now know who that is. George Soros is the third Antichrist.

Mass Executions

Joe Biden is responsible for the death of millions of babies

If you think about Napoleon and Hitler, they are well known for mass executions. Soros is the money behind abortion. There have been approximately half a million abortions since January 1, 2021. That’s 2,362 per day, 98 per hour, and one every 37 seconds. Napoleon killed approximately five million people. Hitler killed approximately eleven million people. So, if we extrapolate these numbers to the next presidential election, then Soros is behind the execution of four million innocent babies.

Abortion isn’t all though. Soros wants to destroy America and it’s people from within. He owns politicians across America, both Democrat and Republican. He donates money so he can tell them what to do. Because of this, Antifa and Black Lives Matter can burn the country down with no consequences. And, violence in our cities can go unchecked.

Soros is also responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans due to the coronavirus pandemic because he is behind the blocking of medical information by the mainstream media and big tech regarding therapies that are successful against the virus. Inflation and food shortages are going to kill more people. And, the exorbitant rise in the cost of natural gas will kill Americans when the weather turns cold. And, I guarantee he is the “root cause” behind vaccine mandates hoping to kill more Americans that way.


The common thread between Napoleon, Hitler and Soros is that they are all dictators. Soros may not be a dictator in the sense of being a government leader, but he uses his money to dictate what people should do for him. He could never win an election, but he’s happy to stay in the background and run things through other people. Although I have surmised who is running our government in previous posts, we all know it’s not Biden. It’s Soros. And, he is an evil, evil man.

Like Napoleon and Hitler before him, Soros is doing everything he can to destroy our Constitution, our freedoms and our country. He’ll use his money, his power and Biden to bring us to our knees.

No Remorse

Napoleon and Hitler had absolutely no remorse for their actions. But, Soros is worse. Not only does he not care, he wants to inflict as much damage on America and the world as possible.


Rather than cite evidence of Soros’ arrogance, I’ll leave you with this photo. Do you see any similarities?

Napoleon, Hitler and Soros are the three faces of evil


Napoleon came into power via a coup where he coerced three of five heads of government to support him and had the other two arrested. Hitler coerced the government establishment to give him temporary “emergency” powers for four years, enabling him to act without the consent of parliament or the German constitution. During this time, his forces surrounded parliament with the threat of war, and he became absolute ruler of Germany.

Biden got a surge of votes during the early morning when vote counting had stopped

Soros used a “fake” pandemic so his political puppets could manipulate voting laws in key states to his benefit. Then, on the eve of the election, vote counting stopped so he would know how many votes it would take to win the states he needed. During the night when vote counting was supposed to be on hold, vote counting commenced. A flood of Biden votes were counted, and by the morning, he was declared the victor in all of these states.

The result is that Soros can now damage our country through Biden. Does it sound like somebody sold his soul to the devil?


The parallels between these three people are too close to ignore. There are certainly other candidates to consider like Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Anthony Fauci, but I’m going with Soros. Just like Satan, he stays in the background believing that nobody knows he’s there. But, we do know he’s there and we’re watching every move he makes. This isn’t a battle. This is a war. And with God on our side, we already know the outcome of the war.

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