Follow the Shepherd

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I heard a really good homily last Sunday about how sheep follow the voice of the shepherd, but run away from a different voice. Of course, I immediately thought of King Fauci and all of his followers. But, I also thought of the Democratic party in general. Especially Joe Biden. Let’s examine those who follow the shepherd versus those who run away from the shepherd.

King Fauci

Almighty Doctor Fauci

I’m absolutely amazed at how many of my fellow countrymen (am I allowed to say that?) listen to this man. Whatever nonsense he says, the sheep follow. There have been detractors like Dr. Scott Atlas and Senator Rand Paul, but the sheep run away from them. I’m not sure why. They’re both doctors too. Well, sheep aren’t smart. Once they listen to one voice, they only know that one voice.

That’s the problem with giving one shepherd all of the power. The sheep have no idea that another shepherd might be better. The sheep can be taken advantage of because they only know one shepherd. And, the sheep can even be unknowingly led to slaughter by the shepherd.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden

The reason Joe Biden is confused all the time is because he has so many shepherds that he doesn’t know which one to listen to. There is only one sheep in his flock and many shepherds. Although the sheep has many shepherds, the sheep doesn’t run away from any of them. Oddly, the sheep follows all of the shepherds because the sheep is afraid of the shepherds.

When one of the shepherds tells the sheep to say the country is systemically racist, the sheep obliges. If a shepherd tells the sheep to call on selected reporters in a press conference, the sheep does it. When the sheep is told to open the borders by a shepherd, the sheep does it. The sheep can’t think for itself, so it does what it’s told every time.

African Americans

Rioting and looting are weapons of the Democrats

Some sheep get used by their shepherd(s) so the shepherd can benefit. The shepherd(s) use a voice to gain the trust of the sheep. Then, they leave the sheep behind to find other sheep that provide greater benefit. And, then the original flock of sheep have no shepherd and wander around looking for a new shepherd.

African Americans in the United States are being manipulated by a bad shepherd. The Democrats are using them to create a racial divide for the Great Reset and to tear our country down. The African American “sheep” have made tremendous strides. And, those efforts are being destroyed by their so-called “shepherds.”

Mainstream Media

Sheep following

Some sheep are so dumb that their shepherd can lead them into danger and they’ll follow willingly. They’ll even hurt other sheep if the shepherd tells them too. And, the shepherd might be bad, but they’ll support the shepherd regardless.

The mainstream media is being played by the Democrats. The shepherd is bad, but they believe the shepherd is good, so they won’t do anything to hurt the shepherd. Even when the sheep inflicts a wound on itself (ratings), the sheep will still follow the shepherd. The shepherd doesn’t truly care about the sheep. The shepherd uses the sheep as long as the sheep will allow it.


The Bible has a lot of references to shepherds. But, Jesus Christ is the true shepherd. John 10:11 quotes Jesus as saying “I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” And, don’t forget Psalm 23:1 which says “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Finally, Isaiah 40:11 says “Like a shepherd, He will tend His flock, In His arm He will gather the lambs and carry them close to His heart.”

These passages have a great deal of meaning as it relates to this post. What if our shepherds, like Joe Biden, took a page from these passages? Stop trying to be the shepherd, and listen to the good shepherd. We don’t need shepherds when we have the best shepherd of all. We just need to put all of our faith in the good shepherd and His one voice, and this country will return to the best and most free country in the world.

All of us should want that. Not just conservatives.

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