Fighting the Good Fight

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If you think about the last few years, a lot of bad stuff happened. We had to deal with things like the coronavirus vaccine and The Great Reset. The goal of most of what we’re dealing with is that the global elites and the Democrat government want to take away our rights and freedoms. But, like me and many others, we are fighting the good fight. And, we’re winning.

Coronavirus Vaccine

Democrats are pushing for everybody to get vaccinated

At this point, I think it is fair to say that the coronavirus vaccine was a failure. People continue to die and be harmed from the vaccine. And, I know from personal experience that it doesn’t prevent you from getting coronavirus.

So, why was it mandated in so many places? And, why did the alleged president tell us unvaccinated people that he was losing patience with us? The answer is obedience. He wasn’t losing patience that we wouldn’t get vaccinated. He was losing patience that we wouldn’t comply. For those of you who stuck with me and didn’t get the jab, we won that one.

Great Reset

The admitted objective of The Great Reset is that we peasants “will own nothing and be happy.” They also refer to us peasants as “useless eaters.” The Great Reset is the brainchild of the World Economic Forum. A small group of global elites want to rule the world.

But, it failed after we peasants called it out and thumbed our noses at it. Now, they are busy rebranding their plan to try again. The “useless eaters” are not going to bend the knee to their tyranny. In fact, the “useless eaters” will continue to rebel against such nonsense.


We made good strides here. Bud Light is now the poster boy for “go woke, go broke.” I think these woke businesses are beginning to realize that it isn’t a smart strategy to annoy half of your customers. I don’t have an Ivy League degree and I could have told them that long ago.

Woke is a good fight worth continuing. Stores like Target need to be called out for stupid items like “tuck friendly” children’s swimsuits and Satanic shirts.


Children are the future of our country. So, it is critically important that parents continue to fight the schools to put a stop to the indoctrination of children to hate our country. More importantly, parents need to fight the sexualization of children and the gender confusion being taught to them.


We are fighting the good fights. The important ones to protect our freedom and our future. Individually, we weak. But collectively, we are strong. We’re learning that we can make a difference by fighting the good fight. We don’t need guns and tanks. We just need each other and God. We’re starting to win, so we need to keep it up.

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