Excommunication. Really?

2024-06-23 | 02:54h
2024-06-23 | 02:53h
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Excommunication. Really?

Well, Pope Francis has called Archbishop Vigano to the Vatican for an excommunication trial. Vigano’s sin is speaking the truth about the Pope. He wasn’t afraid to speak out about the Pope’s actions. And, the Pope’s actions have been inexcusable. But, in today’s world, you must go after anybody who disagrees with you. There’s no backbone. And, there’s no discussion. More importantly, there is no introspection. Excommunication. Really?


There is no such thing as disagreement anymore. If someone doesn’t agree with what you say, they must destroy you. That goes for the woke crowd especially. You aren’t permitted to have your own thoughts. If you don’t agree, you must be made an example of. It’s the resurrection of public lynching. But, it happens on social media and “The View.” And, add the Catholic Church to that list.

Can you imagine wanting to excommunicate a loved and respected figure in the Catholic Church because you can’t take criticism? Are we living in the 1800s? I thought Francis was all about inclusion. I guess it’s only when you don’t question him.

Too Far

Francis went too far this time. I mean, he pretty much goes too far on everything. But, this takes the cake. This shows you how fragile Francis is. But, he’s opening a can of worms. His past treatment of Bishop Strickland and Cardinal Burke is despicable. Francis has already lost many Catholics, but this will open the floodgates. I never liked Francis, but now I loathe him.

Francis has slowly torn down the Catholic church. There is nothing holy about him. He never talks about God and Jesus, unless it’s to twist and turn their teachings to support his non-holy desires. Francis doesn’t guide the flock and he sure doesn’t care about their souls. He cares about global warming, the World Economic Forum, homosexuality and doing away with the Latin mass. And, I have never heard him say one work against abortion.


So, the unholy pope is going to excommunicate the holy Archbishop. That is par for the course in today’s world. Francis will be sorry. What little respect Catholics might have had for him will be gone. He will be remembered in history as the worst pope of all time. And, he will have to answer to God when he dies. This makes him look like a vindictive old man who can’t take criticism. But, his friends at the World Economic Forum will love him. And, that’s who he has to please. Not God!

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