DuckDuckGo is DeadDeadNo

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The DuckDuckGo search engine decided to become the Lindsey Graham of search engines. They led us all to believe they were a private search engine that wasn’t plugged into the Google algorithms of censorship and misinformation. Guess what! They plugged in now that millions of us migrated to their search engine. DuckDuckGo is DeadDeadNo.

The Incompetence

DuckDuckGo CEO Gabriel Weinberg used the bait and switch on his users

I’m in awe of CEOs making the absolute dumbest decisions for their business. DuckDuckGo founder and CEO, Gabriel Weinberg, decided it’s worth more to “down-rank” alleged Russian misinformation than to keep his user base intact. That’s like cutting off your arms so you won’t reach into the cookie jar.

The deception by these CEOs is extremely frustrating to me. I don’t brag to people for years that I’m great at keeping secrets, then I post people’s secrets on social media. Do you think I would lose friends if I did that? Weinberg thinks he is so smart that he can do this without losing users. He will learn, but I don’t think he cares.

Bait and Switch

Weinberg used the bait and switch on conservatives by taking advantage of Covid (who didn’t?) and censorship. We were sold a bill of goods that DuckDuckGo was the private search engine for those of us who were appalled by the censorship of conservatives. So, we made the choice to migrate from Google Chrome and other government-run search engines.

DuckDuckGo was relatively unknown before this mass migration. And, they were using their additional money on advertising. I even heard an advertisement on my local radio. I remember thinking that’s awesome because I wanted people to use it. The more people that moved away from government-run search engines, the better.

Where Now?

We’re running out of options my friends. I switched to Brave, but I’m keeping my eyes open. I think we should use DuckDuckGo as our bellwether case. Everybody should leave and tell your friends to leave too. We will destroy them and they will go off silently into the night. Then, we can use this example of what can happen to these companies when their socialist policies insult half of America. If we don’t make a big stand, these kind of decisions will continue to be made.

DuckDuckGo is DeadDeadNo.

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