Drug Them, Kill Them and Replace Them

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I now have clarity on the Democrat plan to rule forever. Their plan is to drug them, kill them and replace them. And, to my Democrat friends who continue to vote for this, you will be held accountable by the one final judge.

Drug Them

Fentanyl is being smuggled across our southern border in record amounts

Marijuana is legal almost everywhere now. Some places call it medicinal, but that’s just a front for selling it. Fentanyl is coming across the border in droves. And, cocaine is as common as sugar.

Americans, and many young people, are being encouraged to become drug addicts. A drug addict will vote for a regime that keeps giving them drugs. And, a drug addict will obey the regime that gives them drugs. Unfortunately, some of the drug addicts will overdose and die, but that’s alright with the Democrats because they can be replaced.

Kill Them

As mentioned above, drugs work well to kill people. But, there are other clever ways too. How about unleashing a pandemic on the world that will kill millions of elderly people? Then, incentivize hospitals to kill people who have coronavirus by giving the wrong drugs and putting them on vents when they don’t need to be. Also, prohibit low cost drugs that are successful in stopping the coronavirus. Just to make sure, create a vaccine that kills people with heart attacks and blood clots.

That is the Democrat plan for population control and to keep Medicare costs low. But, they don’t stop there. How about setting fires and explosions across America? And, burning down Maui. And, train derailments. Yes. The Democrats are behind these disasters.

Finally, the Democrats are behind the violence in our cities. The more that die, the better.

Replace Them

As mentioned above, depopulation is real. But, so is transformation. The Democrats are allowing millions of illegal aliens into the country. They are not the cream of the crop from the countries they come from. Many countries are emptying their prisons and mental health facilities. In the eyes of the Democrats, this is a healthy transformation of America. So, they want to replace the Americans they killed with illegal aliens. They are so glad to be here that they can be easily manipulated and they will vote for whomever the Democrats tell them.


Drug them, kill them and replace them. I doubt we’ll see any signs with this slogan by the Democrats in the lead up to the 2024 election. But, under the covers, this is exactly what is happening. The United States has deteriorated to the point that we don’t project strength in the world right now. That is why we so desperately need President Trump. He will work tirelessly to get us back on track.

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