Doocy Makes Psaki Look Foolish

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Peter Doocy makes Jen Psaki look foolish

Peter Doocy is the White House Correspondent for Fox News. Jen Psaki is the White House Press Secretary. Doocy is 34 years old. Psaki is 43 years old. These two meet regularly in the White House press briefings. And, time and again, Doocy makes Psaki look foolish. But, it’s interesting how Psaki talks down to him like he’s a child. And he is unfazed.

Electric Cars

This is my favorite Doocy moment of all time. With all of this nonsense about buying electric cars, he asked Psaki if Biden owned an electric car. It’s a simple yes or no question. But, Psaki answered that presidents don’t drive. Doocy then mentioned that Biden was in a video revving his corvette. Psaki responded that presidents don’t drive. In other words, Biden doesn’t have an electric car.

Gas Prices

Gas prices have been increasing since the day Biden took office. For a while, the administration blamed the price increase on coronavirus. Then, they pivoted to Putin. So, Doocy asked Biden why they are blaming Putin now and if they plan to blame everything on Putin heading into the midterms. He further asked why the administration doesn’t pump more oil in the United States rather than beg other countries for oil.

Psaki gave him an arrogant response that it was coronavirus and now it’s Putin. And, she blathered about how the United States oil companies refuse to drill more. Her answers are complete lies. When Psaki doesn’t have an answer, she lies or tries to make Doocy look foolish.

Under Biden’s Skin

At the end of A Biden press conference, Doocy shouted “Do you think inflation is a political liability ahead of the midterms?” “That’s a great asset,” Biden responded. “More inflation. What a stupid son of a b****.” Biden’s response was caught on a hot microphone.

This is a great example of who Biden truly is. He’s a floundering, angry man who won’t be accountable for anything bad, but will be first in line to take credit for something good. Please not that he hasn’t taken credit for something good yet because nothing good has happened since he took office.


There is nothing magical about the questions Doocy asks Psaki. They are well thought out and straightforward. I read the mainstream media coverage and they try to make it out as some contentious relationship. Doocy is no Jim Acosta. Acosta was contentious. Psaki can’t answer his simple questions because the questions are common sense questions, and she knows they are relevant. But, Psaki gets paid to deflect and lie. How does she sleep at night? Doocy sleeps fine.

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