Don’t Tell Me What I Can’t Do

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One of the prominent and recurring lines in the television series “Lost” is when the character John Locke says “Don’t tell me what I can’t do.” Locke wanted to go on a walkabout in Australia. Unknown to the viewer through the entire episode, Locke was confined to a wheelchair from a broken back (sorry for the spoiler if you haven’t watched Lost yet, but there are a ton of other surprises). The walkabout owner tells Locke he can’t do the walkabout in a wheelchair, to which Locke angrily yells the famous line.

Channeling my inner Locke, President Biden and Dr. Fauci, don’t tell me what I can’t do!


Joe Biden thinks he can tell us what we can and cannot do

Joe Biden (notice I never call him President, because he is not my President) delivered his first address to the nation last Thursday evening. We finally saw him after 51 days doing something other than signing executive orders undoing everything good about our beloved country. I’m surprised he was awake.

This man tells me that if I’m a good boy and I get vaccinated, keep wearing my useless mask, continue to social distance and listen to the almighty Dr. Fauci, that I might be able to get together with a small group of “like” people on Independence Day.

To that I say, “Don’t tell me what I can’t do!”

Interesting that he picked Independence Day. Please note that he called it July 4th in his address and not Independence Day. The left wants to strip us of every bit of independence that we have, so I’m surprised that they haven’t cancelled Independence Day or renamed it Dependence Day because we are now dependent on Joe Biden and Dr. Fauci to make all of our decisions for us.

And for That Reason, I’m Out

Some Americans don't want the covid-19 vaccine and that's alright

Thank you President Trump and Operation Warp Speed for getting a vaccine developed in less than a year. I’ll acknowledge you since “Mr. Nice Guy” didn’t in his address to the nation. As Joe said, it was a “medical miracle.” By the way, I think I’ve heard that reference before. Maybe Joe’s dad in Scranton told him it was a medical miracle when he was a young boy.

I’m not getting the vaccine. I “followed the science” and learned that there can be harmful outcomes. I have also seen firsthand reactions in people. You can have a million doses just for me on May 1st, and I still won’t get it. Unlike so many terrified people in our nation, I’m not afraid of the coronavirus. 99.997 percent of healthy Americans below the age of 65 survive Covid-19. Following the science, that means that .003 percent don’t survive. I’ll take those odds.

Useless Face Diaper

The Useless Face Diaper hasn't worked to fight covid-19

I am so tired of being told to wear a mask or masks. If they really worked, we should have defeated Covid-19 last April. Following the science, if everybody wears a mask, and that keeps you from getting Covid-19, then no more people should get Covid-19. But, that’s not what happened. More people got it. Maybe, this is a crazy social experiment to see if the American people will do something foolish and listen to what “Big Government” tells them to do without asking any questions. Or, in my opinion, maybe it is to see how far the American people can be bullied before saying stop. Unfortunately, that appears to be an awfully long time.

And, I’m tired of hearing about how I shouldn’t wear a mask or masks to protect me. I should wear it to protect others from me, so I don’t kill my fellow Americans. This is called a guilt trip. You tell somebody something just to get what you want. And, a lot of people actually fall for this tactic. I don’t think I’m putting as many people in harms way as governors Cuomo, Wolf and Whitmer did at the nursing homes. Maybe a new rule should be “don’t put Covid-19 patients in nursing homes because you might kill your fellow Americans.”

Social-ist Distancing

Social Distancing is to isolate us from others

This is the same as the useless face diaper. If this really worked, we would have defeated Covi-19 a year ago. But don’t communists and socialists want us to be divided rather than united (I’m all about the unity Joe). Keep us separated from our family and friends. Keep us out of our places of worship. Keep us out of our schools. Keep us out of our workplaces. Keep us out of restaurants and bars. Keep us out of our capital (Nan-“cy-me-no-more” Pelosi). I think this is all part of the evil “Great Reset.”

Joe mentioned that you can see your Grandmother and Grandfather if you obey his rules. Nan-“cy-my-new-gender-rules” Pelosi needs to talk to Joe about using the titles Grandmother and Grandfather because I’m pretty sure those titles were cancelled a while ago. #CancelBiden

The Almighty

The Almighty Doctor Fauci is the most dangerous man on Earth

Don’t ever question the almighty Fauci. Joe gushed about him in his address. I think he even teared up. I’m one hundred percent sure that was a dig at President Trump. Trump dared to question Fauci, and you don’t question the almighty. I’m not going to mince words here. I think Fauci is a swamp creature, a long time government bureaucrat and a total fraud. Inconsistency is his consistency. He has been winging his way through the pandemic from the start. Honestly, I don’t think he knows any more about this virus than the average American. We can say something one day and then say the opposite the next day too. I’ll take that taxpayer salary and benefits please.

So, if I listen to the almighty Fauci, I can have hot dogs and hamburgers with a few friends on Independence Day. Can I tell him who he can invite over to his palace and how many? Can I tell him that if he holds his finger on his (masked) nose from now until July 4th, he can have a popsicle that day? Can I tell him that if he wears a face diaper over his eyes, he can see better? Will he do these things in the name of socialism and “the Great Reset?” Or, will he think they’re silly and an infringement on his independence?

Open Biden

Watch this video of crazy Nancy saying instead of her and her family saying “open sesame,” they say “Open Biden.” I have no idea what the hell she means. If we think Joe’s senile, Nancy might be worse. Instead of saying “Open Biden,” I say “Open our damn country.”


I have news for you Joe. Not only will I have whoever I want to my house and however many I want to come on Independence Day, I’m also doing the same for Easter and Memorial Day. I’m not giving up another Easter like I did last year. Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus. I guess you already know that because you are such a “devout Catholic.” If Jesus wears a mask or masks, gets the vaccine, social distances from Mary and his apostles, and listens to the almighty Fauci, can you please give him permission to be resurrected on Easter?

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