Doctor Putin Cured The Coronavirus

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Since Russia invaded Ukraine, I’ve heard nary a word about coronavirus. It dominated the news prior to the invasion. Now, it’s like it never happened. It’s a medical miracle. Doctor Putin cured the coronavirus. I hope he wins the Nobel Peace Prize.


Coronavirus terror

Now that Doctor Putin cured the coronavirus, there is a lot of butt covering going on. The CDC is adjusting it’s child death rates downward to reflect reality. They sure don’t want to get caught with doctored numbers. Mainstream media outlets are now reporting that masks don’t really help with the spread of coronavirus. I guess it’s better late than never.

And now it’s OK to report that the vaccine has adverse reactions and has caused many deaths. Again, better late than never. There is a lot of mainstream media misreporting and non-reporting coming out every day. And, this will continue for years to come. I hope there is accountability because what they have done amounts to murder and character assassination.

Can’t Let Go

I feel so sorry for the souls who are still wearing masks. Since the mainstream media hasn’t reported that Doctor Putin cured the coronavirus, they are still living in the fear portrayed by the mainstream media for the last two years. I’ll bet people will be standing in line to get a fourth booster. I’m not quite sure what it will achieve because the vaccine and first three boosters didn’t work, but fear of “something” will drive people to do it.

No More Fear Porn

When is the last time you saw a mainstream media report on the massive death toll from coronavirus? Or images of overrun hospital ICUs? How about stories about children dying? The mainstream media has moved on to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Coronavirus is not a story anymore. Actually, it was never a story.

The Trump Effect

Now that Biden is firmly entrenched as an illegitimate president and he is killing our country, we’re slowly finding out that the mainstream media, the deep state and big tech colluded so Trump would be impeached and certainly wouldn’t win a second term. Russia-gate was a hoax. Coronavirus was used against him. And, they buried Hunter Biden’s laptop, only to say now that it’s real.

If we don’t do something about the 2020 election, this is going to happen all over again in the midterms and 2024. These institutions have too much power, money and influence. They lie and they deceive. And unfortunately, misinformed Americans follow them off the cliff.

The Biden Effect

And finally, there’s the Biden effect. He is so unpopular that even the mainstream media outlets are starting to call him out. Biden will continue to try to divert attention, but if he doesn’t get inflation and the border straightened out, things are going to get progressively worse. He could even end up in impeachment jeopardy over his son’s laptop. I have to wonder if that is actually the Democrats’ plan. They’re always up to something devious.

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