Destroying the World for 22 Seconds

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On average, men experience about 22 seconds of bliss when they orgasm. A 2005 study found that sex lasts 5.4 minutes on average. So, my premise is this. Some men will do just about anything for those 22 seconds. In fact, they are destroying the world for 22 seconds.

Child Trafficking

Yes. Child trafficking is about money, which is the second thing that is destroying the world. But, for the customers, it is the pursuit of that 22 seconds. These men suffer from mental illness where they can only get aroused by children. Since it is illegal to just have sex with children, they are forced to pursue illegal means like traffickers. These men will pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for that precious 22 seconds. They don’t care one bit about the child they use and what effect it has on that child. The child is simply a vessel for their pleasure.

There is an additional excitement component for these men knowing that they are doing something wrong. And, they also take joy in knowing they are hurting another person. This is pure evil and it is destroying the world.


As mentioned above, sex with a child is rape. But, there are reports every day of rape and sexual assault. These are men seeking the 22 seconds of bliss by forcing themselves on another person. They are unable to get sex normally, so they get it forcibly. These men are mentally ill predators who also need the thrill of hurting someone for their pleasure.

A rapist craves that 22 seconds. He is willing to risk anything, including arrest, to get it. A rapist has no regard for his victim. Society is degraded by these assaults.


The global pornography industry generates $100 billion of revenue each year. That’s a lot more than the NFL, NetFlix, Viacom and Hollywood. Pornography is probably the worst thing that evolved from the Internet. It gives men the opportunity to pursue that 22 second dream in their own home.

But, the problem with pornography is that the viewer gets less and less excited as they look at the same stuff over and over. It’s called “the point of diminishing returns.” And, it can lead to wanting more by raping or being with a child. It’s harder and harder to get to the 22 second threshold unless you keep finding creative ways to get there.


The federal government is buying aborted baby body parts for research

Sometimes those 22 seconds result in a pregnancy. And, sometimes that man and/or woman didn’t intend to get pregnant. So doctors came up with abortion. If you don’t want what you made, then you can just kill it and have sex again. Abortion gives a person the opportunity to pursue the 22 second dream over and over with no consequences.

Abortion might be the biggest thing that is destroying the world. It is not just the murder of the baby. It is a societal evil that has become normal practice. These people have no regard for the baby or the mother. It’s much more important to get rid of the nuisance and move on to the next 22 second pursuit. Our society is in decay because of this lack of respect for others.


Five minutes to 22 seconds for excitement. And, the world is slowly degraded by this desire. They always say follow the money. But, I say follow the sex. Sex is stronger than money. It makes people do things that are absolutely awful as described in this post. A lot of politicians are more driven by sex than money. President Trump knows this, and that’s the real reason they are trying to lock him up.

God created sex as a means to procreate. And, the devil has hijacked it to control and manipulate people. If people spent the amount of time they search for that 22 seconds on getting along and doing good, the world would be a much better place.

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