Democrats Own the Division

2022-10-27 | 05:29h
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Democrats Own the Division

Published date October 26, 2022

Last modified date October 26, 2022

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I’ve never seen our country so divided. It’s affecting families and friendships. When did it get like this and why? Well, you just need to look at the actions of the Democrats over the last ten years or so. The Democrats own the division, although they are quick to point to Republicans as the cause. But, the facts are the facts.

President Trump

We have to start here. The Democrats decided they hated Trump before he even became president. He was an outsider who wasn’t going to play their political games. And, he was a threat to all of their lurid rituals, like killing babies.

Trump won the nomination by promising to make America great again. To everyday Americans, this theme resonated. And, Trump’s following grew and grew.

Once president, the career Democrat politicians and the mainstream media went on a vendetta against him. He got 90% negative coverage from the mainstream media and the Democrats took joy in torturing him every single day. And, this drove a wedge between Democrats and Republicans. No president in history was treated with less respect than Trump. And, the Democrat faithful learned not to respect Trump and other Republicans.


The Democrats and the mainstream media didn’t just stop at Trump. They decided that any person who supported Trump was a threat to democracy, a deplorable, a smelly Walmart shopper, and a domestic terrorist. And, the Democrat faithful followed along with the narrative. A family Republican was the sworn enemy of a family Democrat. Families and friends could no longer discuss politics because the Democrats despised the Republicans. The Democrats believed they were right about everything because that’s what they were told by the Democrats and the mainstream media.

The sources of the names like deplorable above are Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and the mainstream media. And, of course, the everyday Democrats accepted them and repeated them.


Remember when Maxine Waters told Democrats to chase Trump staffers wherever they go and confront them and make them uncomfortable. And, remember when the Democrats collected bail money for Black Lives Matter protesters that committed crimes. And, remember when the Democrats looked the other way when protesters were in the lawns of Supreme Court justices.

Remember when the Department of Justice looked the other way when a sick person tried to assassinate Judge Kavanaugh. And, remember when people bombed crisis pregnancy centers with no consequences. Remember when the FBI raided pro-life people for no reason and arrested them. And, remember when peaceful protesters were arrested for minor offenses and jailed for years in solitary confinement.

Remember how the Democrats and the mainstream media portrayed all of this. The end result is that it created hatred between Democrats and Republicans. And, it will take a very long time to heal these wounds of division created by the Democrats.


Every time the Democrats screw something up, they blame it on Trump or Putin. The Democrats wanted to “defund the police” until it wasn’t popular. So, then they said the Republicans want to “defund the police.” For almost two years, the Democrats and the mainstream media falsely insisted that President Trump was in collusion with Russia.

When Biden botched the withdrawal from Afghanistan, it was Trump’s fault. And, when Biden opened the borders to sex traffickers, drug traffickers and terrorists, it was Trump’s fault.

The Democrats and the mainstream media pushed all of these lies, and the American Democrats bought every word of it. Then, they used it in divisive conversations with Republicans. And, the gap widened.


There you have it. I’m not saying that there aren’t Republicans who contribute to the divide. But, the facts are above. The Democrats sow the division, and they have been successful. I know in my heart that America can get past this evil division. But, it’s going to take time and effort.

It’ll help to get past this generation of Democrat leaders. And, the mainstream media must be reformed or eliminated. Then, the healing can begin.

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