Democrats Are Vipers

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The Republicans got played! Joe Manchin screwed all of you and the rest of the country. West Virginia must be proud that he screwed them too. Democrats are vipers. And, Republicans are faithful puppies. But, we pay the price every time. I’m so angry, I can’t scream loud enough.

Game Time

I’m ten times smarter than the Republicans in Congress. The Democrats know they will lose the House and/or the Senate in November, so they are going to force everything they can through between now and then. A first grader probably can figure that out.

The Democrats stick together. And, Joe Manchin just proved it. The Republicans don’t stick together. Just look at Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Mitt Romney and others. So, the Republicans lose every time. Some Republicans are so scared of President Trump, they stray just to try and hurt him. Still!

Killing Us

Lindsey Graham

I don’t think it will matter if we take back the House and/or Senate. There will still be old guard Republicans that will stand in the way of doing anything meaningful. Romney, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham and others will vote against things to help the Democrat vipers and their old friend “Joe.”

Our Republican members of Congress aren’t helping us. They’re killing us. Both figuratively and literally. And, it’s not going to change until we vote out every old guard Republican. They’re not going to be saviors because they aren’t all on the same page. They are going to be more disappointment.


I wonder how all the little Republican “helpers” feel now. While you have been helping Biden and the Democrats, the vipers were plotting to pass bad legislation behind your back. You just might be the most ignorant people on Earth. You really got Trump this time!

Maybe you will learn a lesson this time. But, I doubt it because of your stupidity. I even wonder if you were in on this. That’s what it has come to. I don’t trust any of you Republicans. I know why I don’t trust the vipers, but I thought I could trust my own party.


The Democrats are vipers. But, the Republicans are ignorant, stupid, dumb, prideful, blind, arrogant and weak. The result is that we get screwed. Most Republicans probably don’t care. They get their cushy salary, their great benefits and power they don’t deserve. All at our expense. What a disappointment. Did I say dumb?

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