Democrats Are Grooming Voters

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The Democrats have completely changed their party demographic. They used to be the party for the common man. Then, President Trump came along and gave those people a new home. So, the Democrats had to look elsewhere for voters. And now, the Democrats are grooming voters to keep their party alive. I’m sure they are doing it to keep themselves in power too. But, where are they getting their new voters?


First and foremost, the Democrats have always carried the black vote. But, Trump persuaded a large group of black voters to leave. This incensed the Democrats. So, they have been grooming the black voters ever since. Biden constantly refers to white supremacy. And, he almost always says that it is the biggest threat to our democracy. That is nothing more than a lie and a scare tactic.

Rather than offer black people real opportunities like Trump did, the Democrats play to the lowest denominator of black people. They give lip service to things like reparations. They buy some of them with government handouts. And, they laud any black person killed by a white person and ignore any white person killed by a black person.

Abortion is and will forever be the single issue for the Democrats. In the last two elections, it is the only issue mentioned in their advertisements. The Democrats see abortion as an issue on which they can retain black voters. So, they need to continue to push that issue hard because they have no other accomplishments to offer the American people.


The Democrats are also grooming criminals. After breaking the law, many criminals are released back into society. The nice thing about that for the Democrats is that they are back as voting citizens. If the Democrats keep you out of jail, how would you vote?

It is also fair to say that many of the criminals who are entering our country through the southern border are being groomed. You can guess how they will vote. They want their criminal friends to come into our country too. And, Biden has the floodgate open.


By uneducated, I don’t mean people who are not formally educated. I mean people who are uneducated about politics. These are people who close their eyes and ears and only vote one way despite the state of the country. The Democrats have a stronghold on these voters, and they are grooming more of them.

Joe Biden is responsible for the death of millions of babies

As stated above, the number one issue for the uneducated is abortion. They’ll pay $20 a gallon for gas as long as they can continue to kill babies. So, the Democrats do everything they can to keep this group. Mostly, they use hypocrisy. For example, they will say something that angers their base. Then, they will say they never said it or it is disinformation. And this group buys this crap without question.

This group of voters is the biggest threat to democracy.

Sexual Deviancy

Sexual deviancy is becoming normal in our country. As with black voters, the Democrats are grooming the sexual deviants. When I first thought about this, I thought this is such a small part of the population. But, it probably extends to family members and friends. So, it could be twice as big of a group as I thought.

Jeffrey Epstein went to prison for sexual deviancy. But, there is a lot of sexual deviancy in our country. As stated before, if the sexual deviants can be set free, then they will vote for the people that helped them.


The children are the voting block of the Democrats in the future. They are going hard to groom them right now. The Democrats are giving them the freedom to make their own decisions at four years old. They are even removing the parents from the decisions. If a four year old could independently decide to eat candy before dinner, would they?

So, the Democrats got as many of them vaccinated as possible resulting in medical conditions like autism. They forced them to wear masks for years depriving them of oxygen to their brains. They locked them down for years depriving them of personal interaction and stifling their learning. And finally, they are confusing them with gender dysphoria and drag queen shows.

And, that puts all of them into the uneducated category of the future.


I’m not even getting into the fact that the Republicans better be alert to this. They never listen anyway. In many ways, the Democrat party has taken on the persona of it’s leader (Satan). And Satan is grooming the next wave of his minions. That means more is to come. The Republicans won’t be able to do anything about it. The only way to stop it is through prayer and God. God always beats Satan, and it’s not even close.

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