Democratic Pittsburgh

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As I mentioned in a previous post about the Pittsburgh Pirates, I grew up in mostly Democratic Pittsburgh. I loved everything about Pittsburgh. It was a great place to grow up. But, in one way, I was a fish out of water. Although my entire family and many of my friends were Democrats, I registered as a Republican because I loved Ronald Reagan. This didn’t sit well with my family in particular.

The people in Pittsburgh are wonderful. Most of my family still live there. The city has changed so much since the days of the steel mills. It has transitioned to a more white collar community. But, why hasn’t the city transitioned away from being a Democratic stronghold?

Do What I Do

Some young voters are like sheep following a shepherd

A lot of my friends and family registered as Democrats because that’s what their parents told them to do. Despite the recent push by the Democrats for 16 year-olds to vote, many 18 year-olds don’t pay attention to the news so they are unable to make an informed decision when voting. Even worse, if the only news they are seeing in their home is the mainstream media, they’re only getting one-sided news. These two issues breed Democratic voter registrations with no regard to what they’re signing up for.

This is the reason the Democrats want to lower the voting age to sixteen. They can get more uninformed voters who blindly do what others tell them to do. Everything the Democrats are doing right now – like the open border, making illegal aliens citizens and trying to pass H.R.1. – is aimed at getting more Democrat voters so they can hold power in Washington forever.

Union Mentality

Pittsburgh worker unions need to align with the right political party

Many years ago, Pittsburgh was a union stronghold. The steelworkers union had thousands of members. Today, the United Steelworkers union still exists. Historically, unions have sided with Democrats because they believed they represented working class Americans. I don’t think that’s true anymore. The Democrats have shifted away from representing working Americans to a radical agenda to transform America into a socialist/communist state. Just look at Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone XL Pipeline. Killing thousands of working-class jobs, this should raise a red flag that Democrats have lost touch with the working class.

President Trump did more for working class Americans than any President in my lifetime. Yet, union workers in Pittsburgh remained stuck in their ways during the 2020 election. Many of them vote Democratic because that’s what they have always done. They don’t even consider changing to Republican or Independent despite a Democratic agenda to raise taxes, kill jobs, defund the police and destroy our every freedom including our First Amendment right to free speech. I repeat that the news they are getting from the mainstream media and big tech is wholly biased. They get no good news about the Republican party and no negative news about the Democrat party.

Here is a perfect example of why the unions in Pittsburgh should re-evaluate their political support.

Early Voting

Some early voters in 2020 had regrets

Voting started in Pennsylvania in late September. People hadn’t even seen a Presidential debate at that point. So, if you were a Democrat, you went and voted Democrat without even thinking. Unfortunately for them, in the second Presidential debate, Trump got Biden to admit he wants to end the oil industry and do away with fracking. These are critical industries for jobs in Pennsylvania.

The result was that “change my vote” was trending on Google after the second debate. In Pennsylvania, you cannot change your vote unless it is an absentee ballot. So, people were stuck with their vote. Many people rushed to vote without knowing all of the positions of the candidates, and now the country is paying the price for that error.


The city of Pittsburgh has a long history of hard working, freedom-loving people. They are smart people and they love their country. It’s time for the city to embrace the Republican party and leave the elitist Democratic party behind. The Republican party has evolved into the working class champion thanks to the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement led by President Trump.

I know from growing up in Pittsburgh that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is super important to Pittsburghers. Those concepts are being trampled by the Democrats right now, and that should be of great concern to everyone in the city and surrounding suburbs. I hope that my beloved city does what is right for the future of America. They can make a big difference!

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