Crenshaw Is The New Kinzinger

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Adam Kinzinger resigned from the House of Representatives, and we rejoiced. Then, we had one day of peace before Dan Crenshaw stepped in to replace him. Crenshaw is the new Kinzinger. And, Crenshaw may be worse.

What’s Wrong?

Dan Crenshaw is the new Adam Kinzinger

What’s wrong with Dan Crenshaw? To start, he isn’t intelligent. I think he says things without thinking first. Then, he suffers from the same ailment that plagues a lot of the elites in Washington, D.C. That is ego. He thinks he is so cool that he can say anything he wants. Finally, he has anger issues. When things don’t go his way, he lashes out.

I refuse to thank Crenshaw for his service to our country. Two years ago, I would have thanked him in a heartbeat. But, he has proven that his service is meaningless by his actions. Crenshaw doesn’t appreciate our country. In fact, I think he hates our country. Maybe he has contempt because of his eye. He could be a hero with a bright future, but his ignorance and behavior will always hold him back.


Crenzinger (Crenshaw-Kinzinger) is the newest swamp creature. I think Crenshaw was waiting in the wings to replace Adam Kinzinger. God knows who will replace Liz Cheney, but Marjorie Taylor Greene appears likely. Kinzinger was dumb as a rock. But, he thought he was smarter than everyone else. Crenshaw is exactly the same.

The main trait that both Crenshaw and Kinzinger have is retaliation. When someone disagrees with them, they break down and lash out. They never take the high road and move on. And when they do lash out, they do it in a childish way. It’s more important for them to put people down than to ignore the disagreement.

The Pattern

Crenshaw has a pattern of bad behavior including the following:

  • When a young girl at a Tea Party meeting presented Crenshaw with past comments he made about Jesus being like a fictional character, he copped attitude with her and scolded her to the dismay of the crowd.
  • Crenshaw was heckled at a fundraising event when someone in the audience rebutted him for saying the 2020 presidential election wasn’t stolen.
  • Crenshaw just called the twenty republicans opposed to Kevin McCarthy becoming Speaker of the House “terrorists.”


After Crenshaw won his seat, I liked him. But, now I think he has PTSD. He has become the new Adam Kinzinger of the House of Representatives. For his own sake, I think he should keep his mouth shut. It seems like every time he opens his mouth, he says something stupid. It’s quickly getting to the point that nobody likes him. I certainly don’t like him anymore. He is a typical swamp elite now. They got to him. Or, he got to himself.

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