Coronavirus Retrospective

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The coronavirus pandemic turns four years old this month. There have been significant discoveries and admissions in those four years. I also posted about it during it’s tenure. So, it’s time for a coronavirus retrospective.


I have seen small babies with masks on

There is medical consensus that masks had no bearing on contracting coronavirus or spreading it. In retrospect, the masks amounted to wearing a badge saying “I do whatever the government tells me to do.” Oddly, some people are still wearing masks.

I think back to my daughter’s wedding reception. Nobody wore a mask except for people at two tables. And, some of those people wore two or three masks. I believe all of them got coronavirus since the wedding. And, some of them have had it multiple times.


We know now that the coronavirus vaccine didn’t prevent you from getting the virus. And, we know now that millions of people died from the vaccine. We also know that pharmaceutical companies got very rich from the vaccine. Remember the vaccine mandates. A lot of people lost their jobs for refusing the vaccine. I personally came within one day from losing my job.

Without knowing the risks, our alleged president tried to force people to get a vaccine. And, every non-medical liberal on the planet tried to force people to get a vaccine. They are all complicit to murder and should be serving life in prison. Talk about disinformation!

Social Distancing

Some businesses still have tape on the floor to separate people by six feet. And, some businesses still have plexiglass at the counter. Social distancing was the biggest joke of the pandemic. I honestly believe these government bureaucrats like Fauci invented this as a social experiment.

During the pandemic, I would intentionally move close to a person to see what they would do. Let’s just say I got a lot of mean looks.


The decision to shut down churches while leaving marijuana dispensaries open will go down as the dumbest decision in the history of the church. Although I see some people trickling back into church, it was quite sparse for over a year. Pope Francis will have some explaining to do when he meets his maker.

Dr. Fauci

When I think of Dr. Fauci, I think about the mad scientist depicted in a movie. He has retired, and he will live off our hard earned money for the rest of his life. In hindsight, Dr. Fauci didn’t get one thing right. And his failures cost millions of lives. That makes him the most dangerous serial killer of all time. And, he won’t spend one minute in jail.


On this fourth anniversary, I’m taking time to reflect on the coronavirus pandemic. A lot of information has been gathered and reported. And, now we know that the management of coronavirus was a huge disaster. But I also know this. We the people learned a lot too. There will never be another pandemic like this one.

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