Come On Man! It’s About Voters!

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If you think about everything that has been going on and continues to go on in our country, there is a common theme. This isn’t about hurting conservatives today. This is about hurting conservatives for years to come. Come on man! It’s about voters!


Illegals are crossing our southern border at an alarming rate

What is the best way to get more votes? Bring voters in from outside the United States. Of course, you must brainwash them to vote Democrat before you release them into the country. Then you give them free stuff like healthcare and smart phones to reinforce the brainwashing. You also give them a free pass to citizenship.

This is exactly why the Democrats are allowing millions of illegal aliens into our country. The great majority of them will be registered Democrats before long. If it wasn’t so evil, it would be genius. And, the helpless Republicans have no answer.


Much like the illegals, the Democrats are bringing in refugees from other countries like Afghanistan. And much like the illegals, they are being escorted into battleground states. Since the Democrats fear not being able to steal future elections, they will cheat ahead of the elections. I live in Pennsylvania, and busloads of refugees bused into our area.

Many of the refugees will soon be registered Democrats. So, think of it like this. If the Democrats need 10,000 votes to win Pennsylvania in future elections, then they’ll drop 20,000 illegals and refugees into Pennsylvania. The steal won’t happen on election day. It’s already happening. And, the helpless Republicans have no answer.


Our colleges and universities have done an outstanding job of brainwashing our children to be Democrats an to turn away from God. Unfortunately, that’s a win for the Democrats.

Now the Democrats are focused on the young children so they can win forever. They are confusing them with gender identity and gay grooming. Democrats have taught them compliance through masking and vaccination. And they have no idea what freedom looks like.

And, the helpless Republicans have no answer.


This is addition by subtraction. A lot of elderly people love this country and it’s liberties. For that reason, many of them are conservative. So, the Democrats need to reduce this voting bloc. How can they do this?

  • Unleash a bioweapon that kills the elderly more than other age groups
  • Move coronavirus patients into nursing homes
  • Prevent doctors from using medicines that would help the elderly
  • Vaccinate the elderly to harm and/or kill them
  • Keep families away from the elderly

And, the helpless Republicans have no answer.


This is all going on in plain sight. And, the helpless Republicans have no answer. If this continues, the Republicans have no chance to win elections in the future. I hate to say this, but maybe the Republicans need to set up stations at the border to bring in Republican illegals. Fight fire with fire. Or set up some special rallies specifically for the illegals that have been shipped to battleground states. Basically, educate them in true American ideals. Flip the script. The Republicans need to do something.

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