Catholic Identity Conference Woke Me

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I attended the Catholic Identity Conference in Pittsburgh over the weekend, and it woke me. Not in the “woke” way that the liberals and global elites want everything woke. It woke me to the plight of the Catholic church under a Marxist Pope, the need to pray, the importance of mass and that we have hope. This was not a political event. It was about 700 people crying out for the return of the Catholic church to it’s roots in the face of a pope who is trying to tear it down. I’m a changed man for the better, and I’m thankful I attended.

Our Weapons

If there was one single takeaway I got, it is that our weapon is not a gun or a sword. It is the rosary. That’s right Department of Justice, FBI and Pope Francis. We aren’t taking up arms. We are going to pray for the conversion of all of you. And, we will pray and pray and pray. And, we will win. Because we have the true rulers on our side. That’s God, Mary and the Holy Spirit. Your raids, guns and intimidation are no match for our weapons.

Deplorables and Terrorists

It was such a joy to share the weekend with about 700 of the worst deplorables and domestic terrorists in the world. We prayed and attended mass daily. I got to know hundreds of Catholics who genuinely care about the church and God. Nobody, and I mean nobody, spoke negatively about the Pope and the government. That includes the most genuine and loving speakers I have ever seen.

We did express our disappointment with the use of coronavirus to shut down our churches and the hypocrisy of pushing the vaccine that used aborted fetal tissue as an ingredient. It goes against everything God and Jesus represent. And, it was fair game.

Abby Truth Bombs

Does anybody get to the heart of the evil of Planned Parenthood like Abby Johnson? They must hate her because she exposes them for exactly what they are. An evil organization that only cares about money with no regard for women and children.

She spoke about the new push for abortion pills over the Internet and the push for transgenderism in children. Going through the abortion pill process, she told the audience about how easy it is to obtain these pills and the potential health risks associated with them. She even told stories about how these pills have claimed lives already.

Pertaining to transgenderism, Planned Parenthood is all in. This is their new source of income since the Dobbs decision. They are going to use transgenderism to confuse and mutilate children. And, God is not going to be happy. But, Satan will be happy.

Abby did not attack anybody. She laid out the facts and it was surreal. My takeaway was that our children are under attack and our pope doesn’t seem to care. That is wrong.


Satan was present. The local Pittsburgh diocese put out a statement that they do not endorse the Catholic Identity Conference. The cowardly Bishop David Zubick of the Pittsburgh diocese felt the need to tell the world that he does not support, endorse or encourage people to attend the event. He was scared because the event was going to urge Catholics to resist the Marxist policies of Pope Francis.

Bishop Zubick would have learned a great deal if he attended the conference himself. The word “resist” had no negative connotation. There is no revolution happening. It simply meant that, as Catholics, we have a responsibility to question decisions and actions that are not in line with God, Jesus, Mary and the history of our beloved church. Calling that into question is being ignorant of current events affecting the church and enabling continuing harmful decisions.

Prayers and Mass

This so-called “resistance” came in the form of daily mass, prayers and speakers who laid out the decisions by Pope Francis that have affected our church. Their was no fire and brimstone. Just factual representations of things that Pope Francis has done that are not aligned with longstanding church doctrine.

Some examples of “resistance” included calling out the shutting down of churches during coronavirus and mandating a vaccine made from aborted fetal tissue. These are fair complaints. The church is essential to the souls of parishioners and the church has never supported abortion.

Pope Francis’ alignment with the World Economic Forum is also fair game. The World Economic Forum does not have our best interests at heart. And, every living, breathing human being knows that. Some choose to ignore it oddly.

No Disrespect

This conference was not about disrespect for Pope Francis. It was about questioning the things he is doing and resisting decisions that are misaligned with church doctrine. If my manager told me to kill a child, shouldn’t I question that request. Or should I blindly go kill the child because my manager said to do it so that I don’t lose my job?

Church Royalty

In stark contrast to Bishop Zubick, there were several bishops and priests who spoke at the conference and led our prayers and masses. I consider these Catholic representatives church royalty. They expressed their opinions in a respectful and honest way. And, everything they said was heartfelt and factual. There was no call to arms. But, there was certainly a call to prayer. And, there was a call to question and resist those decisions that will harm our very souls.

Gentle Giant

Catholic Archbishop Vigano is not afraid to face the evil in the world

Is there a more inspirational gentle giant than Archbishop Vigano? Why don’t more bishops aspire to be like him? He is so smart, but he speaks to everybody with such thought and humility. Vigano isn’t afraid to tell the truth, but he does it in a manner that plays to the passion of Catholics everywhere. This man is a true leader who understands the damage Pope Francis is doing. I was so taken by his demeanor and his careful and thoughtful responses to questions he was asked.

If Pope Francis could understand and implement some of Vigano’s humility and leadership, he could be a great pope. Why wouldn’t Francis aspire to be loved by Catholics around the world? Vigano certainly is.


When you get a bunch of sincere and caring Catholics in a room with one common goal, it is so refreshing. Every single one of these people care about our church and want nothing but the best for it. They weren’t there to talk bad about Pope Francis. They were there out of care for their souls and the continued love of our Catholic history.

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