Catholic Identity Conference 2024

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Michael Matt is the editor of the Remnant Catholic newsletter

My spouse and I recently attended the Catholic Identity Conference 2024 on September 27th to September 29th. And, this wasn’t our first time. Although the conference is always excellent, I believe this is the best I’ve seen. The theme “And He Shall Reign: Restoring all things in Christ the King” was interwoven perfectly by the speakers. If you have never been to the Catholic Identity Conference, you might want to add it to your bucket list. It’s worth every penny.


I was a little worried that there would be talk about the upcoming election. But, I don’t remember hearing anything. There were certainly references to some election issues such as abortion, but they were discussed from a religious and moral view only. This conference was about honoring God, not a political leader or leaders. Very well done! And classy!

Candace Owens

This section should really be titled “Candace Owens and George Farmer.” George Farmer is the husband of Candace Owens. There are probably few online personalities that are persecuted like Owens. But, she gave a very humble presentation about her life and her recent conversion to the Catholic faith and why she did it.

But, then Owens and her husband Farmer had a sit down conversation with host Michael Matt. I don’t usually gush over people, but they were two of the smartest people I have come across. Farmer’s knowledge of the Bible and Catholicism was stunning. And, the way they were able to answer questions about today’s church using that knowledge was surreal.


There were a couple presentations about the Catholic faith in Africa. One by the Most Reverend Dr. Emmanuel Adetoyese Abado, Bishop of Oyo, Nigeria. Africa is quickly becoming a leader of the Catholic faith in the world. The speakers talked about how Africans will walk hours by night to get to mass. And, how they put their life on the line to attend mass due to violent uncertainty.

The African bishops stood up to Pope Francis when he decided to allow the blessing of gay unions in the Catholic church. And, they won. If only American bishops had the same bravery.

Bishop Schneider

Speaking of bravery, Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Astana, Kazakhstan, presented his opinions on the state of the church under Pope Francis. But, he didn’t do it in a negative way. He simply brought the receipts. And, he delivered his thoughts in an eloquent way. Bishop Schneider has genuine thoughts on the state of the church, and he is passionate about the future of the church. Although his talk wasn’t meant to inspire immediate change, it laid bare a plan to pray for change as a way to overcome church doctrines that are not aligned with Jesus Christ.


Here are some more of the highlights of the weekend:

  • I believe it was Chris Salcedo of NewsMax who ended his presentation with “The good news is ‘They lose!” referring to evil in our society.
  • Dr. Gavin Ashendon, Associate Editor of the Catholic Herald, gave an amazing presentation of the decay of our society. Again, he delivered it in an eloquent way with receipts for his points.
  • Sgt. James Hipple, a retired New York City policeman, gave a stirring presentation of his time as an officer and his decision to deny the mandated coronavirus vaccine. It cost him his job.
  • Reggie Littlejohn, President of Anti-Globalist International, gave an eye-opening presentation on the evil in our world and how the global elites are implementing a new world order behind our backs.


As I mentioned, if you are practicing Catholic or hibernating Catholic, I recommend attending the Catholic Identity Conference. It will open your eyes to a whole new world as it relates to faith. My only negative takeaway from the conference is that I had a person at my table who was pushing me to attend the Latin mass. The Latin mass is a beautiful thing, but it doesn’t work for me right now. But, these type of people are few and far between. The conference itself respects everybody’s way of practicing their faith.

I enjoyed every minute of the weekend. And, I learned a lot about myself and my faith.

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