Bye Major League Baseball

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Bye Major League Baseball. And this time I’m not coming back.

I bid farewell to baseball after the 1994-1995 strike that cancelled the postseason. And, it took me almost 10 years to get interested again. But, my interest was never the same as before the strike. Now, the Baseball Commissioner, Rob Manfred, decided on a scorched Earth decision to move the All Star game and draft out of Georgia because the state passed legislation to reform the election process. What in the hell does baseball have to do with Georgia state legislation?


Stacy Abrams convinced Rob Manfred to move the Major League Baseball All Star game from Georgia

In late March, Georgia passed an election reform bill into law. The legislation includes new restrictions on voting by mail, and increases legislative control over elections in the state. It also limits the window in which absentee ballots can be requested, and cuts the number of locations and times ballot drop boxes can be accessed.

In response, The democrat and liberal lunatics immediately played the “tired” race card. They claim the new laws will suppress black voters and that it is a revival of the Jim Crow era. With absolutely no regard for the people in the state of Georgia, Joe Biden and Stacey Abrams convinced baseball commissioner Manfred to move the All Star game and the draft out of Georgia.

Hey Kids, Look a Deer

Hey kids look a deer from Christmas Vacation

I believe Biden used this as a diversion from the border mess. It’s like the scene in Christmas Vacation when Clark Griswold says “Hey kids, look a deer” to get them to look another way while he gives the finger to a driver passing him. Talk about the border crisis has died down since this happened. And, the border talk needs to return immediately.

Sadly, Major League Baseball (MLB) was used as a pawn by Abrams and Biden. Rob Manfred was coerced into doing something that was stupid and made no sense. He claims that he talked to teams, current and former players and the MLB players association. There is absolutely no way he could have done what he says before he made his hasty decision. I guess he didn’t talk to the Atlanta Braves team because they issued a statement criticizing Manfred’s decision.

Customers and Bosses

Rob Manfred is now the worst commissioner in all of pro sports

Manfred missed two VERY important groups that he should have talked to in addition to the ones listed above. The fans and the owners. The fans are his customers and the owners are his bosses. Manfred is a lawyer and he knows NOTHING about running a business. If he did, he would know that the customer is always right.

What if you arbitrarily decided at work to relocate a business convention to another state without telling your boss? Do you think you would still be working for that organization when your boss found out? Baseball owners were blindsided by Manfred’s decision. Coming off a shortened season with no fans because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the owners were happy to have fans back in the seats this season. Then, Manfred pulls this ignorant stunt which will decrease attendance and interest. STUPID! MANFRED MUST BE FIRED IMMEDIATELY!

Hung Out to Dry

So, Manfred gets duped into making this stupid decision. Within a couple of days, Stacey Abrams and Joe Biden backtracked on moving the All Star game. And Manfred was officially hung out to dry. He was left alone with his decision and he looks like a complete fool. The loss of All Star game revenue in Georgia now falls firmly on his, and only his, shoulders. You got played, you idiot!


Some of the backlash from Manfred’s clueless decision includes:


Like the previous post I wrote about liberal hypocrisy, Manfred’s decision also reeks of hypocrisy. The liberals are so concerned that Georgia wants to require identification to vote that their heads are exploding. I guess they think that minorities don’t have identification or don’t know how to provide identification. Minorities, this is a total slap in your faces. It makes you look dumb.

Back to my point. When you order baseball tickets, you must show identification to get your tickets. I guess this means that minorities can’t get tickets because they don’t have identification or don’t know how to provide identification. That sounds to me like fan suppression and “Jim Crow baseball on steroids.”


I didn’t think it was possible to find a person dumber than Dr. Fauci, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney, Andrew Cuomo, Bill de Blasio, Adam Schiff and Don Lemon. But, you win Rob Manfred. You are single-handedly ruining your sport and it’s revenue. You’re hurting the people of Georgia, the fans, the baseball owners and the baseball players.

You let a failed gubernatorial candidate and a senile President trick you into harming your sport. They both backed off and hung you out to dry. That’s the definition of stupid. The baseball owners should fire you immediately. I already did!

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