Butker Can Say What He Wants

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I wasn’t going to chime in on the Harrison Butker drama. But, I have to. If you aren’t familiar with the drama, Butker is an NFL kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs and a traditional Catholic. He was the commencement speaker at Benedictine College, which is a Catholic college. In his address, he encouraged women to make family important, to beware of Catholic leaders pushing dangerous gender ideologies, and the sickness of Biden’s non-Catholic stance on abortion. Of course, the liberal loonies heads exploded. To them I say, BUTKER CAN SAY WHAT HE WANTS!


If there is one thing the liberal loonies completely hate, it’s the truth. And, Butker told the truth. But, that threatens them because they are so engulfed in their lies. The truth is that they just need to make trouble. I’ll bet most of them didn’t even watch the whole address. They probably saw a snippet of the address on our troublemaking mainstream media outlets and joined the mob.

Of course, the elite celebrities have to chime in too. Eddie Vedder, who is the lead singer of the rock and roll group Pearl Jam, called Butker a profane name during a concert. I can guarantee he has never spoken to Butker and knows absolutely nothing about him. But, that is the way of the liberal loonies. Shoot first and ask questions later. Honestly, I don’t care what Eddie Vedder says. He is a dumb, confused addict with no morals and values. And, he has no righteous path in his future. He is the anti-Butker.


Oh, the hypocrisy of the liberal loonies. They don’t like what he said about women, yet they are the exact people supporting biological men in women’s bathrooms and biological men in women’s sports. I read that some of them want Butker to be replaced by a woman kicker. Why not replace him with a man who thinks he’s a woman?

I know some of these liberal loonies. They stand for abortion, homosexuality and transsexualism. They pretend to stand for women, but they don’t. These are not noble things to support. They are on the wrong side of God and a sane society. Yet, these liberal loonies cling to this stuff like it’s important somehow. It used to be just abortion, but it keeps expanding. They are trying to make every Catholic sin a moral of society. They are on the wrong side of this.


What Butker said is long overdue. He said things that the alleged pope should have said years ago. I’ll even go so far as to say that Butker’s faith is much stronger than the alleged pope’s. The alleged pope should be applauding Butker and supporting him. But, since Butker’s address wasn’t about the climate crisis, the alleged pope joined the mob. The NFL also joined the mob. No surprise there. Everyone is afraid of the truth. So, it is critical to destroy Butker. I say good luck with that. God influenced Butker to say what he did. And, unlike the alleged pope, God will stand with him. And, so will I.

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