But They’ll Still Vote For Biden

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Joe Biden has a weird habit of whispering during his speeches

Joe Biden has been an unmitigated disaster as president. He hasn’t done one thing for the benefit of American citizens. But, he has done significant damage to our country and it’s citizens. Democrat voters may deny this, but they know it in their hearts. But they’ll still vote for Biden because they believe Trump is worse. It frustrates me to no end.


I literally racked my brain trying to think of one positive thing Biden has done. I came up blank. Every president I can think of including Obama (gulp!) did at least one good thing for Americans. If you can think of something, please add it to the comments.


I don’t know about you Democrats who will still vote for Biden, but I’m spending considerably more on everything. My son and his wife can’t buy their first house. The price of gas is ridiculous and the cost of pharmaceutical products is outrageous.

Biden’s lack of enforcement at our borders has put significant stress on southern states and sanctuary cities and states. Fentanyl is killing millions and sex trafficking is at an all-time high. Considering that we have no idea who is coming into our country, the threat of significant violence in our homeland is real.

Biden’s weakness and frailness has encouraged global instability. He handed the Taliban in Afghanistan billions of dollars of the finest United States military equipment for no good reason. Rather than negotiate a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine, he has sent Ukraine billions of dollars. And now, he gave Iran six billion dollars in exchange for five prisoners to enable them to assist in the Hamas attack in Israel.

More Negatives

The violence in our cities is out of control. Stealing has become an ordinary thing. Attacking others is commonplace. Homelessness and drugs have our city streets looking like a third world country. He never says a word about it.

Biden is so crooked that he has made a mockery of our election system. He is behind the indictments of Trump because he knows he can’t win without them. Biden manipulates the mainstream media and social media sites to block conservative views. And, he weaponizes the justice department to go after conservatives everywhere.

Biden mandated vaccines wherever he could and discriminated against unvaccinated Americans. Since firing people who were unvaccinated, hospitals are pleading for the workers to return. He is not a doctor, and he is not qualified to force people to take a vaccine. Biden is a tyrant with Alzheimer’s disease. He should be in a nursing home rather than in the White House.


This is a pretty poor pro and con list, but a lot of Democrats will still vote for Biden. They don’t care that life was so much better when Trump was president. It is Trump Derangement Syndrome on a scale beyond imagination. I’m going to call a spade a spade. This is also ignorance on a grand scale. I know some of these people, and I have zero respect for them. America Last (Biden) versus America First (Trump) is where we are. I guess some dumb people want America last. That is shameful.

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