But That’s Not Pro Choice

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Per the Democratic party and liberals everywhere, the government should not tell a woman that she cannot get an abortion. They have been fighting this violently for decades. Per the Democratic party and liberals everywhere, the government SHOULD tell people they have to get a coronavirus vaccine. Sorry about your vaccine decision, but that’s not pro choice.

The Vaccine

Democrats are pushing for everybody to get vaccinated

The Democrats and liberals are so stupid. They don’t even care when their messages are hypocritical. You can choose to get an abortion, but you can’t choose to get a vaccine. The Republicans never sent people door to door to seek out pregnant women and tell them not to get an abortion.

I’m sure Brian Williams at MSNBC would say that these are two different things and cannot be compared. He would say an abortion only affects one mother, while a vaccine protects everybody. I would say to him that an abortion affects everybody too. That baby that was aborted might have been a future President that restores freedom to our country. And, the vaccine protects us from a virus with a 1% fatality rate. But, at what risk to my health?


You can choose to get an abortion, but you can’t choose what school your children can attend. Worse yet, you can’t choose what your children are being taught at school. A lot of parents are upset by what is being taught to their children. The Democrats are pushing Critical Race Theory down everybody’s throats. So, parents would like to choose a different school where the curriculum better meets their needs.

Election Integrity

election fraud

You can choose to get an abortion, but you can’t choose to audit election results or improve your election process. If you’ve been watching or reading non-mainstream media recently, the Democrats are completely losing their minds over election audits of the 2020 election. If the election was fair, this shouldn’t bother them at all. In fact, they should welcome it so it puts to bed any more talk about a stolen election.

They are acting like a child who got caught with her hand in a cookie jar. And, I’m pretty certain that means they have something to hide. We’ll find out soon.

One more thing here. You can choose to get an abortion, but you can’t choose your president. Because if your vote doesn’t count, then you don’t have a say.


Fentanyl is being smuggled across our southern border in record amounts

You can choose to get an abortion, but you can’t choose to only invite legal immigrants into our country. Stay with me. I voted for people who support closing our southern border. I did not vote for any people who support open borders. Having open borders affects me because of potential crime, drugs and gangs.

One person (President Biden) should not have the power to open our border and let millions of illegal immigrants into our country. I know he is doing this for votes, but this is going to come to an ugly head in the future.

Free Speech

You can choose to get an abortion, but you can’t choose to say what you want. If you say something about the election or coronavirus, you are censored, cancelled or even jailed. You can’t even post a funny meme without backlash. But, Islamic extremists from foreign countries are welcome to say whatever they want.

President Trump’s class action lawsuit should put this to bed.


These are just a few examples. There are many more. I find the hypocrisy sickening. How can you on one hand fight so fervently for pro choice, but be against every other form of pro choice? The Democrats aren’t thinking anything through right now. They’re throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks. They have no strategy or game plan. Maybe they were caught by surprise when they won cheated to win the presidential election and Senate run-offs in Georgia. They are certainly acting like it.

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