But Not Until I’m Elected

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Does Kamala have to earn anything?

Kamala Harris is making a lot of (empty) promises. However, she claims that she will do these things on day one of a new presidency. In other words, I’ll do something, but not until I’m elected. I think she is forgetting that she is in office right now. That means she doesn’t have to wait until day one. Today is already day one. Well, actually it is technically day 1340.


What exactly is the blocker that prevents Kamala from keeping her promises now? Is Biden standing in her way? He doesn’t even know what’s going on, and we have no idea where he is and what he’s doing. So, I don’t think it’s him. Could it be that she has no idea how to do it? I would say that’s very likely. Or, could it be that she is lying? And, that’s the clear winner.

If you are one of the uneducated, shallow Democrats who will vote for Kamala, you are about to be snookered. I know you don’t care, because you hate Trump (because the media tells you too) and you thirst to kill babies. I am so sad that we have so many ignorant and evil people in our country.

Real World Example

There is nothing like a real world example to exhibit how ridiculous this whole thing is. Let’s say I worked at company X for the last four years. Although my boss requested that I submit a weekly status report, I never produced one. But, I hear that the boss has a promotion opportunity. So, during the interview for the promotion opportunity, I tell my boss that on day one, I’ll submit a weekly status report.

You are welcome to re-read that. It embodies what Kamala is trying to do. She wants the promotion based on doing nothing for nearly four years. But, don’t worry. She will start to work on day one. What a sham!


I don’t know what irritates me more. Stupid voters buying the “day one” lie or Kamala actually doing nothing for almost four years. I have never been a fan of the “day one” stunt. Why not just say that it is a part of my platform. Or, why not tell the truth and say “I’ll do it. But not until I’m elected.”

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